Chapter 11: Training & School

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3rd Pov:

It was now time for Izuku to start going back to school. He got up in the morning and did his routine and forced Toshi to sit down and eat something for breakfast. Izuku knew he didn't have a stomach anymore but getting anything into his body allowed him to put on some weight that was overall better for him. Izuku has ever started to make drinks and food that was more tailored to Toshi's current condition. 

After everything was done, Izuku then got dressed and got his bag. It was time for Izuku to go to Soumei junior high. Izuku really didn't want to but he had to. As such, that is how he found himself outside the school building meeting with the principal who was waiting for him.

 As such, that is how he found himself outside the school building meeting with the principal who was waiting for him

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Overall, the school was pretty nice looking. It was gated in and hard guards roaming around the campus making sure no one came in unnoticed. The principal had introduced himself to Izuku and confirmed some details. "Your father expressed that his identity was to remain undisclosed and it was up to you if you let that information out to anyone." The principal stated which was ideal for Izuku. Toshi had told Izuku that it was up to him to tell any friends he makes who is father was if he decided to. 

Soon they arrived inside a classroom where the principal had Izuku introduce himself. "Hello everyone. I know it's weird for a middle of the semester transfer but I had to relocate due to my mother's death. I now live with my father in Tokyo. As such, he enrolled me here. My name is Izuku Yagi and my quirk is Energy Enhancement. I am a late bloomer so I'm still learning quirk control currently. I plan to attend the UA hero course in the future. Any questions?" Izuku asked and then he answered some. He declined to answer what his father did and any more private questions. Izuku was seated behind a kid named Lida Tenya. Izuku figured out real quickly that Lida was a rule follower quickly and did a weird hand-chopping motion. 

Izuku did know that he was going to be taking a placement test soon that would be provided by the school. He was told that it would take up his afternoon classes after lunch so the school could get a good grasp of his current knowledge. All Might had warned the principal about the previous schools alerting Izuku's grades and that the school has a case against it for quirk discrimination and forging students' documents and a list of other crimes. As such, the principal really wanted to know where Izuku was currently sitting in his education level so they could ensure he was up to speed or in proper classes.

Izuku had warned his new classmates that he would be taking placement exams all afternoon since the school wanted a grasp on his current education level. As such, he found himself in a testing room with the principal who had given him several tests. "You have 1 hour for each exam. This will bring us to the end of the day with the number of exams that you have. You may start now." stated the principal. Thus, Izuku got to work on the tests. Izuku finished the first test in 35 minutes and handed it over. The principal asked if he was sure and Izuku confirmed he was. They then worked on the next test and again it only took Izuku 30 minutes. They had two more tests to do and Izuku only took roughly 30 to 40 minutes for each of them. The Principal was shocked. Either Izuku was really smart or he had that much of a gap in his knowledge. The principal placed the test sheets in the machine and set them to grade each one. 

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