Chapter 6: Middle School & Signs

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3rd Pov:

Izuku middle school was no better than his elementary school. Izuku made sure to get clothes that would be baggy on him to hide his physical form because he didn't want to bring notice to his training or his new quirk that he got at the start of the month. Izuku and his mother had already gone with Toshi to register it. They provided an explanation that it had activated after doing a lot of physical training and seemed to needed a very fit body for it to activate or it might have destroyed his body. The government official didn't really care and just fill out the paperwork which would update automatically in any government database which included the school. As such, Izuku didn't have to tell anyone at the school about his quirk. They put the quirk down as Energy Enhancement due to the lighting sparks that come off Izuku currently. They could explain it as raw energy in his body that he is using to enhance his body. As such, it was an easily believable quirk that could fit him.

Izuku's spirits were up even though school was horrible to him. His grades were still being pulled down by the teachers even know he knew the answers were correct. Whenever he received papers back he would make a copy of it and provided a copy to Toshi so he could add it to the criminal case that is being built. The school was still partaking in quirk discrimination even though Izuku had a quirk now. It didn't matter, even if they couldn't get them on that, they could get them on tampering with his grade and other charges like the bullying that is going on in front of them that they ignored. Izuku was also making another crime book that he kept updated and provided copies to his dad every week.

During all of this though Izuku and All Might missed the signs. They were focused on the case they were building that they didn't notice the signs from Inko. She was getting weaker without them noticing. She explained that she just worked too hard or didn't sleep enough even though she spent a lot of time in bed. Izuku noticed that she was losing some weight and thought she was just working out. Oh, how wrong he was. Even when they ate dinner she wouldn't eat the entire meal. Sometimes she would but sometimes she wouldn't. 

The signs were present and even Inko didn't realize what they were. The days kept going and it was now halfway into the semester as it was now October. Inko decided to go to the doctor without telling Izuku or Toshi since she thought she just had a virus or something that needed to be drugged out of her body. However, she found the truth was far from her imagination. Reality sometimes is far worst than one would like. Inko was sitting in the doctor's office and was soon called in to meet the doctor.

"Hello, Doctor, can you tell me my results please," Inko asked. The doctor didn't answer right away which worried her. "Mrs. Midoriya, I'm sorry to say that it's not good. You have terminal cancer and it has gone on so long unnoticed and untreated that there isn't anything anyone or a quirk can do." the doctor stated. Inko was just silent for a moment. The doctor started talking again. "Cancer appears to have already spread to your stomach, lungs, and heart. It was just the stomach, we would have a better chance of saving you. However, with it at the lungs and heart, it has passed the stage we can stop it anymore. No matter what we do will only delay the end result. I'm sorry." The doctor stated with a sad tone. Inko needed to know how much time she had left... "How much... how much time do I have left?" she asked. The doctors went over her symptoms that she has been displaying again and she confirmed. "Based on what you told me, you are already knocking on the door of death. I'm sorry but your body is already shutting down. I doubt you will make it another month or 2. I suggest you return home and make whatever last arrangements you need to as quickly as possible." the doctor stated. He asked her if she had any questions and gave her the paperwork stating everything. She was let go and Inko decided to go home slowly since Izuku wouldn't be out of school yet. 'What am I going to do about Izuku... wait... TOSHI!' she thought. She called him and asked him to meet her at the house as soon as possible and it was important.

About 3 hours later with 1 hour before Izuku got out of school Toshi arrived at the apartment. "Inko, I came as soon as I could. You said it was important. Did something happen to Izuku?" he asked worriedly. Inko had just let him in and had him sit down. He was just getting more and more worried. "Toshi...  you said you would do anything you could to help Izuku. You even went as far as became his partial-guardian and have full guardianship of him in the event of my death. Did you truly mean that?" she asked him in a serious tone. All Might was caught off guard but quickly responded. "Yes. Yes, I did mean it. I see him as my son and he's admitted he sees me as a father. I love him Inko. What happened to bring this up?" He asked. He only grew more and more concerned with each second that passed. Inko then pulled the papers out of her bag and placed them on the table. "I shouldn't have ignored the signs... but now it's too late for me," Inko said with some tears running down her face. All Might grabbed the papers and started to read them. He soon grew pale as he read. It was terminal cancer and there was no hope of stopping it. They gave Inko the rest of this month to live at best which meant only a few weeks. He just moved over and hugged Inko as she sat there crying. "Please Toshi... please raise him and protect him... please love him where I failed... please don't leave him like I'm leaving him... you have to grow old and die at an old age so he has someone to come back to each day from hero work and to make sure he's taking care of himself... PLEASE!" Inko was now full-on crying. Toshi could only hug her and promise he would. Regardless of what Sir Nighteye saw all those years ago. At that moment All Might refused to ever die before he grew old. Now the problem would be breaking the news to Izuku who would be coming home soon. 

Izuku Pov:

I had a horrible feeling throughout the day like something bad was going to happen. Yet as the day went on nothing happened. I still didn't like this feeling. At first, I thought Bakugo or one of the bullies would do something but they only did the normal bullying things such as pushing me into lockers and verbal abuse. I did have a few red spider lily's on my desk when I came over (Meaning death flowers) but that isn't what set my feeling. Soon the end of the day came and the feeling only got worst. I've been practicing keeping OFA active only by a little bit that no one could notice under my skin. This was my way of training the activation time since I'm so new to using OFA. As I approached my house the feeling only got worse.

Soon I entered my front door and found Toshi hugging my mom who was crying. Toshi saw me and told me to come to sit down between mom and him. "What's wrong mom?" I asked her and she only cried a bit more. I hated the answer I received. "Izuku... I'm dying..." my mom said to me. My heart broke.

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