Chapter 18: Results & First Day!

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3rd Pov:

Izuku could be found in his living room sitting with his father, Nezu, Gran Torino, and Recovery Girl. They were watching Izuku open his test results and talking about the future. Izuku opened the envelope and out came a disc which had his father in it. "Really..." Izuku muttered. Everyone just laughed at his reaction. Soon his dad went through the results. Izuku had gotten a perfect score on the exam and placed first in the written exam. However, in the physical exam, Izuku had scored 80 villain points and received 40 rescue points for the rescue of the girl and the destroying of the zero pointers meaning he got 120 points total. 10 points higher than All Might recorded which meant that Izuku Midoriya was now the recorded holder. "I was more punch each robot while you were more efficient in your targets with your martial arts. I also didn't get rescue points back then." Toshi stated. Izuku also found out that he was in class 1-A and was warned that Bakugo was placed in this class as well. "Do you know what you might say to him if you see him?" Toshi asked. Izuku was silent for a moment but answered. "If he talks to me I'll respond depending on what he says. I don't know if I've forgiven him or can. I'll work with him if I need to but that's it. I don't think we can ever be friends ever again." Izuku stated. They found this reasonable. Nezu had warned Izuku that he again was limited to only 25% of his quirk unless he faces a situation that requires it like the zero pointers. Otherwise, he shouldn't use more than that without his approval or All Might's even if other staff ask him to do it for some reason.

Soon the night passed and it would be 1 month before Izuku would arrive for his first day of school. He got up that morning and made breakfast and got Toshi to sit down and take the IV. Nezu had already given him an edited schedule for him and expect for being in homeroom of class 1-A and the heroic classes Izuku would spend his entire day with Nezu unless Nezu says otherwise. Izuku would report to Nezu's office after homeroom and they would go about their day. Izuku was also told that he had a private room for himself and Nezu to do work in that was located near his office and they would use it for his Analytical work or other hero work since Nezu was involving Izuku in some of his cases.

-- Time Skip to the First day --

3rd Pov:

It was now the first day of classes. Izuku walked up to the school since Toshi went ahead early today but Toshi did take his IV with him to the school since he knew Izuku would be pissed if he didn't. He would have Recovery Girl feed the IV into his arm when he arrived at school stated the note on the dining room table. As such, Izuku was by himself when he arrived at the school and was now standing in front of a large class 1-A door. 

'Nezu did this for intimidation of students due to Nezu's own size

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'Nezu did this for intimidation of students due to Nezu's own size.' Izuku thought. Izuku opened the door and found Iida in the classroom as well as Bakugo Katsuki. Izuku didn't even talk to Bakugo before he went to the back of the room and say down by Iida. Nezu knew to keep Bakugo and Izuku separated from each other. As such, he was sitting in seat 10 while Iida was in seat 4. Soon the students came in and the girl he had saved came in as well. She went over to Izuku and thanked him for saving her from the zero pointer and asked how he destroyed it. Before Izuku could answer he noticed something in the doorway. It was Eraserhead. "I think the teacher wants us to sit down now," Izuku said and everyone was confused until the teacher spoke up. "Wasted 8 seconds. Illogical. Sit down and let me speak." The teacher said as he got out of the sleeping bag and stood at the front. "I'm your homeroom teacher Aizawa-sensei. Grab these and go get changed and meet me out on the field." Aizawa stated and Izuku just got up and got moving. Soon everyone else followed quickly behind him.

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