Chapter 7: Death & Guardianship

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3rd Pov:

Izuku sat there staring. He just heard his mother tell him that she was dying. How was she dying? "How... you... you've been fine lately? How are you dying!?" Izuku choked out with some tears coming down his face. The room was silent as Inko grabbed the papers and gave them to Izuku. "Terminal cancer... the sleeping longer and eating less.. were signs of me close to death. I don't have much time left to live based on the doctor's guess. They don't see me living to pass the end of this month..." Inko said to Izuku. Soon Izuku just started crying out without stopping. Both Toshi and Inko took a side of Izuku and just hugged him. 

"Sweety... I'm sorry I wasn't a better parent when you grew up. I know you likely suffered a lot of discrimination and I didn't do much at all to help you. You likely were bullied and treated horribly at school and I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better parent." Inko said while she was crying. Izuku just snapped up and shouted. "NO! YOU WERE AMAZING! YOU STAYED WHEN DAD LEFT! YOU LOVED ME AND TOOK CARE OF ME! NEVER SAY YOU WERE A BAD PARENT BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T!" Izuku said as he hugged his mother tightly. Inko was just shocked before more tears fell down her face and a smile went across her face. She was happy that her son thought so much of her. "Izuku, I won't be here to watch you grow up anymore but I will watch you from above. I know you will make an amazing hero and your dad will be there with you since I can't be." Inko said as she looked at Toshi. Izuku turned around confused by what she meant. 

All Might sensed that he was confused. "Izuku... a while back when I first talked to Inko about you. I got her to agree to give me partial-guardianship of you in the event she wasn't near to make decisions. It was also decided that I would gain full guardianship of you and you would become Izuku Yagi in the event your mother died before you grew old enough to care for yourself. As such, you will soon move in with me full time. I asked your mother with the full attention to carrying out my side of this agreement in the event of her death.... I just didn't think we would put it to use so soon..." All Might said with a sad smile to his son. Inko then started to talk again. "Sweety, I adjusted my will and signed the paperwork to give you to him first. You could reject it but then you would go to the Bakugo's since they are the last people I know. You don't need to explain but I have a feeling you and Katusiki aren't friends anymore or anything close. I'm willing to bet because of you being quirkless he most likely bullied you. My guesses have been stronger as of late and I realized he never comes over anymore nor do you talk about him. As such, I would like you to go with Toshi since I know you will be safe in his home. Toshi would never confirm if he knew about Bakugo bullying you but told me to trust my mother's gut which was enough confirmation for me as a mother." Inko said while kissing Izuku's forehead. Izuku was just in shock. His mother had a guess and more or less got confirmation from All Might. He thought he would be angry with All Might for indirectly confirming it or directly but he wasn't. Soon Izuku broke down and told her everything he has told Toshi. 

About two hours later Inko was happy with the fact that Izuku had told her everything. "Sweety... I know I won't be around soon but I want you to enjoy life and don't stay stuck on my death. We are all meant to die one day. It's how we go out that matters. I'm dying a happy and proud mother of one Izuku Midoriya who impressed All Might and obtained a legendary quirk that has been around for 200 years. I am a proud mother of a son who has faced the harsh truth of the world and just got back up each time it hit him down. I am the proud mother of Izuku Midioriya and I wouldn't dare be anything less. So, once we eat dinner I want you to just relax with me tonight. Tomorrow we will start packing up the house and Toshi will start getting his home ready since I want you to move in with him before I die. This way everything will be taken care of beforehand. You will also move to a school closer to his home since he doesn't live around here." Inko said.

Izuku just nodded his head as his mother directed him to do things. Soon she told him to go take a shower and get ready to eat dinner. He left the room and Inko and Toshi were the only ones left. "Sorry that this came so quickly..." Inko said. Toshi would have none of it. "DOn't apologize. I love him as my own son and will take care of him. I will get the house ready tomorrow when I return there. It's a larger home but nothing overly large like a mansion. I will move back with Izuku to this town or closer to UA when it gets closer to that time since I have plans to teach there when Izuku starts. I will take care of him Inko so just rest." All Might said as he gave her a hug. He didn't have romantic feelings for her but he became really close to her and cared for her as a family as well. He was going to miss her. 

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

It was the next day and Izuku decided to go to school one more time before he would be pulled out since it was Friday. He wanted to finish the week off. All Might had already returned home in the Tokyo area which was about 2 to 3 hours away from Izuku's current home. Inko and Toshi had both told Izuku that he and All Might would move back to the area around UA in the future but for now, Izuku would move to live in Tokyo with Toshi since that is where the agency is at and he would need to prepare it for long-distance work in the future.

The day was going like normal. Being bullied and discriminated against by the teachers and students. However, it seems Bakugo noticed Izuku's sour mood and decided to make Izuku's day worst. "Dam Deku, why are you looking so down? Did you lose your money again for lunch or did something throw you in a locker again? How are you post to be a hero when you can't even defend yourself. Pathic Deku... should have taken my dam advice already." He said. Izuku was just frozen. He's received the dam red spider lily's a lot since Bakugo had suicided baited him but now he's verbally telling him to do it again. The bell went off and it was time for the day to come to an end. 

Izuku arrived home and Inko could tell something had happened. She had him sit down and asked about it. Izuku had already told her everything else so this wouldn't make much difference. "Bakugo suicide baited me again today and it was right in front of a teacher and other students. They didn't do anything... a few even laughed." Izuku said with some tears coming down his face. Some tears escaped Izuku's eye. "Mom, I know you might want his parents at your funeral but please... I don't want to deal with him anytime soon..." Izuku asked her. Inko would have liked Mistuki to come to her funeral but she wanted her son to feel safe even more. As such, she came up with a plan. "Honey, when I do die I want you to call Mitsuki and let her know that I passed away and let her and the other two come say what they need to at the hospital. Once they are done you can cut ties with them. If they ask about a funeral just tell them I didn't want one and you will send them a location of my grave after I'm buried. This way you and Toshi can be at my funeral without them bothering you. You don't have to have any connections with them if you don't want to after giving them the location of my grave." Inko said as she hugged Izuku and he just nodded his head. Inko could tell that her time was closing in sooner as the days passed.

All of Izuku's and Inko's stuff has been moved out of the house and to Toshi's home where he's already unpacked the needed things by the end of the weekend. There were only basic things left to keep them going until the day Inko passed away and this stuff was with Izuku in the hotel he was staying at. This is because Toshi had Inko placed in a hospice care center in the city since it was clear that it was nearly time. Toshi stayed with Izuku in the hotel since it was a larger penthouse room that he had rented for them until Inko's final day. He wanted to be nearby when it happened so he could support Izuku. They had already filled most of the paperwork out that would transfer Izuku into Toshi's care the moment it happened and would have his name changed to Izuku Yagi since Inko wanted that to happen. Midoriya was Izuku's biological father's last name and she didn't want him keeping it since Toshi would become his legal father now. They all agreed to keep Toshi's identity away from the Bakugo's so they didn't figure out that he was All Might. They figured that people would find out about him being All Might's son first before the skinny form. As such, Toshi wouldn't appear when the Bakugo's were alerted and Izuku would meet him at another location since all the paperwork would be filled out beforehand for any decisions that needed to be made.

As such, they played the waiting game, and one week after Izuku's last day in school it happened. Inko's heart was starting to fail her. Izuku and Toshi were already on-site visiting her when it started. Izuku and Inko said their tearful goodbyes as Toshi just hugged Izuku and comforted him. Inko looked at Toshi and just said her last words. "Thank you, Toshi. I love you both," she said as her heart came to a stop. Izuku had burst into tears the moment it happened. 

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