Chapter 31: Press Conference and Counter-attack!

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*Just so you know. I'm gearing up for the end of this book and will be thinking of new books and ideas. I'm thinking of some one-shots as well. Throw any ideas you have for some storylines in the comments. I have one idea in mind that he's attending UA and gets teleported to another world for some time and he has OFA but will gain powers in the other world as well and come back more powerful possibly OP!*

3rd POV:

Izuku and the others that knew about OFA were all in the meeting room together. They even invited Sir Nighteye to the meeting. Sir Nighteye and Izuku stood in silence for a bit of time before he spoke. "I must admit that from what I've seen you complete you are good as a hero... I still wish All Might would have considered Miro at least and met him but what's done is done." He stated. Izuku was tired of this and just brought him up to speed. "Sir Nighteye you don't know how OFA works do you or how its truly passed on?" Izuku asked and Sir Nighteye looked offended and explained how he thought it worked. "You are correct but also that's not all of it. What dad has failed to tell you is that OFA is sentient. It's the duty of the current wielder to find someone, as they go about their life and OFA, will show itself and declare someone that it likes as the next user. When he found me or I found him in this case since I saved him from dying to a villain in his skinny form. OFA had shown dad a vision of Nana the 7th user. They declared me as someone that was worthy of wielding OFA and it was Dad's choice in finishing the process and testing my determination on being a hero. We went through that and I obtained OFA years before you even found Miro. As such, there was no way for Mirio ever to be considered Sir Nighteye." Izuku stated and Sir was shocked at the new information. Sir asked how he was All Might's son and Izuku explained what happened and how he gained control of OFA at a fast pace. Sir then bowed his head and apologized to Izuku... "I'm sorry... I didn't know that OFA picked the user like that. I thought it was solely the current user decision and not all the past users as well." He stated and Izuku just accepted the apology and told them that they needed to move on since he refused to allow his dad to die.

As they were all talking in the meeting, it was decided that All Might would go to the factory location that was found by the police while Izuku would go to the bar location. They needed to do this since it was a 50/50 shot of AFO being in either spot. They doubted AFO would go down easily regardless and would need both of them to fight him to have a good chance at winning without major injuries. 

Izuku Pov:

There were a lot of heroes called into the battle. A lot of the top 10 was also called in. A few questioned why I was there but Nezu stated that I had the power to rival All Might and would come in hand fighting the final boss if they show themselves. Some like Endeavor scoffed at my power but Nezu showed the video from my and dad's fight and they all shut up quickly. "I also have my provisional license already so I can legally be on the field to fight," I stated and they were also shocked at that.

Soon the plans were coming along and it was decided that they would attack tomorrow night. Izuku had an idea that the classmates of his were going to do something stupid but didn't have proof so he couldn't stop them. Time passed and the conference was set for tomorrow. It would have only been one night and a day for Bakugo being held by the League. I visited my classmates and talked to them a bit before they left school to return home. They were kept on campus for most of the day to be checked over and statements collected before they were allowed to leave.

The day and night came and passed and it was now the day of the operation. As everyone was moving into position I pulled Sir Nighteye aside before I left to go to the car that would drive me to my site. "Sir... I want you to use your quirk on me and tell me how your quirk sees this going. I don't believe your quirk is 100% set in stone but I need a general idea of how the fight ends." I asked him. He was shocked and didn't want to do it but I asked him again and pressed him for it and he did it... 

"What did you see? Also, does dad make it our alive?" I asked him. He said the fight ends in our favor with AFO defeated and dead with the entire league captured. He also said All Might survives the fight but that I... he said I would die because I would take a hit that would have killed All Might and a lot of civilians including the students from 1-A. "Stop... I don't care if I die tonight. I just wanted to know if they all made it out alright. God.. please yell at the students from my class after this for me... tell them I don't blame them or anything but they should be careful in what they get themselves into." I stated as I walked away. Sir called out to me.

"Wait... this will destroy All Might once he finds out you will die!" He stated. I turned around and said don't tell him. "I've had this feeling I would die today for some reason before I talked to you... I even created several videotapes that I left in my office here at UA. Inform Nezu to retrieve them later would you." I stated to him and walked away without turning around. I saw dad as I walked outside and just walked up to him and hugged him. "Dad... I love you. I want you to know that I don't regret any decision I have made or will make. I'm just glad I got to spend all this time with you and become the 9th. Thank you for loving me so much." I said to him. He was shocked and confused about why I was talking like that. He just said that nothing would happen to me and it would be alright. He hugged me and he got into his car that drove him to his site. I walked towards mine. "Izuku... what are you planning?" a voice asked from behind me. It was Nezu.

I walked over to him and hugged him not caring others were around that got shocked at what I did. Nezu tensed up since I never do this in front of others. "Goodbye uncle Nezu. If fate allows it then we shall meet again. Sometimes the future can be changed and sometimes it can't be. However, I will try my best to alter it. If I can't then this is goodbye and I'm sorry." I stated as I walked away into the car. I entered the car and looked at him with a sad smile. Sir Nighteye came up and Nezu turned to him and Sir just nodded his head since he overheard the conversation. Nezu mouth opened and closed. He couldn't speak and it was too late since the car had driven away. It was time for the counter-attack!

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