Chapter 15: UA Quirk Analyst & Nezu-Sensei!

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Nezu Pov:

It's been quite some time since I've started to teach Izuku and I got to admit I've grown fond of him. Me? Growing fond of a human!? That is unheard of since I only have humans I like to a small degree because they are good to keep on my side and then the humans I dislike. It's unheard of me to have humans I am fond of! However, it doesn't surprise me honestly. Izuku is so much like me far more than anyone wants to admit or willing to notice. He has a high intelligence that he was forced to keep hidden to survive because the people in his past weren't above hurting him more if he showed his intelligence to the degree he is showing it now.

One day as I was sitting in the Yagi's living room when I went down for a weekend to do some personal training with Izuku and I had Izuku going through some student files and videos of their training. This produced some interesting results because I watched Izuku as he ripped through their quirks and personalities. The smile he held while doing it reminded me of my smile when I played around with the humans in my own twisted ways.

 The smile he held while doing it reminded me of my smile when I played around with the humans in my own twisted ways

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All Might had walked in and saw us with our smiles on and then walked right out the door he came in. He didn't return until it was close to the end of our lessons and he was still nervous while being in the same room as us both. 

I looked over the final product that Izuku had given me and I had to admit that once I taught him to clean up the information and how to present it in a better manner his quirk analysis was matching my own. 'To think that he was self-taught and only needed to be refined.' The report was good enough that I had planned to provide it to the students at UA when I returned. I had asked Izuku about his smile and why he had it when some would describe it as a 'scary' smile when he was doing his work and his response didn't surprise me. "I first started these journals to help my plans of being a quirkless hero. Though it took on a second reason for me to do them. Would you like to take a guess at the second reason Nezu-sensei?" he stated. I  had a good guess and made it. "I'm assuming it was your way at planning around your enemies and figuring out ways to deal with them if you ever had to?" I asked and got a confirmation. All Might was sweating bullets on the other side of the room as we talked. I think he realized how close Izuku was to snapping and becoming an evil version of me? Luckily he found Izuku first and has helped the boy on his path of good and also placed him right into my hands! 'Oh the 3 years he's at UA will be so enjoyable!' I thought. 

"NEZU! NO PUTTING PLANS OF WORLD DOMINATION IN MY SONS HEAD! I KNOW YOU HAVE SOME WEIRD THOUGHTS IN YOUR MIND RIGHT NOW!" All Might yelled out from the kitchen. I just shook my head at being denied that. 'Well, there goes that plan. Though he never said I couldn't teach Izuku how to manipulate people to do his bidding!' I thought with a smile.

-- Time Skip --

Nezu Pov:

The education of Izuku has been going great! We are now near the end of the second year of his middle school and Izuku has only grown in his knowledge! He has grown stronger with OFA and combined with his knowledge that I'm teaching him he is going to become one of the strongest and smartest heroes in all of history. It was quite interesting to learn last year about him developing another quirk from inside of OFA. OFA truly has become a rubrics cube that can't be solved so easily. Every time we think we discovered everything something new happens. Izuku has gotten a decent control of the body control quirk since he was already focused on controlling his body movement. He's learned how to stop his body from bleeding out if he had a wound which is very important and useful in battle. He can also change his direction of movement and attacks at the drop of a dime which gives him unpredictability in his fighting. I'm predicting that he could take most pro-heroes on in a close combat match and win if he gets enough experience under his belt. He is also nearing total control of OFA itself. He was at 65% at the end of last year and now he is at 80% with only 20% left to go during his final year before UA. Izuku will be a powerhouse of powerhouses in the hero industry. 

During this year, Izuku has also tested out a good majority of his first-year high school classes or entire subjects altogether. This is amazing since it will provide a decent amount of time for me and him to work together during his three years of UA. I've decided to have him start a side gig of sorts as an analyst so he can practice his skills and get experience at it for the hero industry. One of the main things I do as a hero is to provide other heroes with analytical services as I go through cases or quirks and provide feedback for their cases. Izuku took an interest in this because it would help him on the battlefield but also during investigations since he could figure out quirks beforehand if he has any clues. As such, I started to assign him random heroes, UA staff, and students' profiles for him to do. I've also given him videos of villains for him to study and prepare profiles based on the villains. This has helped several activate cases that we had going on. 

My staff all think the papers they got of them all came from me and I wasn't going to correct them anytime soon. Why ruin the fun when they learn it came from someone much younger than them. Even Eraserhead has taken a few ideas and used them and it will be interesting to see his reaction when he learns the truth. I also plan to equip Izuku with a hero laptop and email address connected to the hero network so he can keep his stuff secured once he enters UA. All Might, Gran Torino, and I have also debated on recommending him for the provisional exam during his last year of middle school so he can defend himself and others with his quirk since he is already so powerful and knows a lot of hero training due to being trained by All Might and Gran Torino. All Might has even given Izuku access to his agency and introduced him to several key staff since Izuku will take over Might Tower in the future. Izuku has been helping do paperwork so he knows how to do it all. Though his identity and his existence have been kept from the press so far we don't know how long that will last which is another reason to get him a provisional license. 

I just set in my office drinking my tea and laughing at the many ideas in my mind and the future plans that I have. I could see the staff tense in the staff room since they could hear me a few doors down. 'Oh, I enjoy the site when they tense.' I thought.

' I thought

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