Chapter 21: Media & Break-in?

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3rd Pov:

The class was sitting in the homeroom and was waiting for their teacher to arrive. They were talking about all the media that was outside the school who were trying to get a meeting with All Might since they heard that he was teaching at the school now. The moment Aizawa walked into the school classroom they all went silent and sat down. "I see you are all being more rational. Now today we will do several things. First, pick your class representatives. I don't care how you do it, just do it before homeroom ends." Aizawa-sensei stated. The class was happy it wasn't another test that he decided to pull out. Soon the class started to talk and Tenya spoke out and suggested that it should be done by a vote. 

After a bit of time, they finished and the class had elected Izuku and Yaoyorozu as class representatives. 'I don't have time to do it... also, it's illogical for me to do it since I won't be with the class all the time.' Izuku thought. As he and Yaoyorozu were standing at the front he started to talk. "I'm going to reject my spot and pass it down to Yaoyorozu and make Iida the Vice-representative. You need to remember I won't be with the class a lot of the day so you need someone that will be here all the time." Izuku stated and after a bit of talking everyone accepted the results. Soon class started and Izuku went back to his office to work on some of the homework that Nezu assigned him and to finish up the analysis papers since he now had a battle training to base a lot of his work off of for both classes.

Soon it was time for lunch and Izuku decided to go to the mess hall and eat with his friends. Izuku found them sitting at a table and he came up to them. "Hey, Tenya!" Izuku called out. They all saw him and he sat down and they started to talk. As the conversations moved around to different things. Uraraka asked Tenya about his family and their wealth since she noticed his formal attitude. He admits that he is about the Iida hero family and feared that it would change how others viewed him. Tenya's brother is the Turbo Hero Ingenium, who is a famous pro-hero. As they kept talking and were about to ask Izuku about his family since even Iida doesn't know much their conversation is disrupted when the school alarms abruptly go off. A third-year student points out that this means someone had infiltrated U.A. by bypassing the defensive barrier.

Izuku went up to the window to look outside and saw it was the Media. Before he could say anything Iida had already had Uraraka make him weightless where he flew up onto the exit sign and yelled at everyone to stop and it was the media. As everyone returns to their classes, Izuku heads to the gate outside since he knew Nezu would be there. He walked outside and the other staff noticed him and wondered why he was there. "Good timing Izuku! Give me a rundown on what you think from the destroyed gate and everything so far." Nezu said ignoring his staff. 

Izuku looked over the gate and the area. "Doubtful it was the media. They all have to register their quirks due to the media job. It would be easy to track straight to the person who did it so they wouldn't risk something this big for a story." Izuku stated. Nezu just agreed with his thinking. "The way the leftover of the gate looks like it was broken apart, decayed, disintegrated maybe? It could be many things but a villain making a statement? Possible distraction from something else?" Izuku muttered off. "I have to agree with the statements. I'm thinking of a distraction but don't know what for. No alarms went off anywhere else that would show a major crime in the area nor has anyone been found on the camera showing that they got past the front area." Nezu stated. 

Izuku then thought for a minute. 'What if they were inside the building via a quirk?' Izuku thought. "Nezu-sensei. What if they used a quirk to get inside the building? Like a teleportation quirk, or a phasing quirk. They could have someone destroy the quirk and another person to go into the building which might not be seen on the camera. As such, they might have been after information inside the building but I wouldn't know what information." Izuku stated. The staff didn't look fully convinced except for Eraserhead and Nezu who knew of Izuku's skills. Nezu knew that it was a real possibility of that being true but they wouldn't know what they were after. 

The Principal decided to increase the number of staff for the trip to the USJ later in the day. Currently, it was only going to be Eraserhead and Thirteen at the USJ but he would add All Might as well. "All Might is to attend the USJ training with 1-A and 1-B. 1-A has their training today. So they will have three staff there (Plus Izuku thought Nezu). We will do the same for 1-B training in a few days as well since they are the only events off-campus we have this week."  Nezu stated since he didn't think anyone could oppose All Might if someone did attack. Oh, how wrong Nezu would be!

Sono they all went back to their individual work and classes. Izuku and Nezu went to Izuku's office to talk a bit more. "Izuku, even though there will be three staff present I'm ordering you right now to defend your class if something happens. You are to act in your position as a provisional hero under my authority since you are under a work-study with me currently. Their safety comes before yours since you have a license and can defend them all with your strength and training. Understand?" Nezu stated. Izuku agreed and went back to his work before getting his suit on since the USJ trip would be in an hour. 

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