Chapter 20: Battle Trial & All Might!

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3rd Pov:

Izuku woke up early that day and got dressed quickly. Nezu had warned Izuku that he would be having a heroic class today and needed to get enough sleep since Nezu had found Izuku working a bit later in his office the day before. Izuku was trying to get all the analysis papers done before the sports festival since he wanted to provide Shinso with an analysis for himself.

Soon Izuku arrived at the school and found himself in the classroom. He knew that Bakugo has been wanting to talk to him for a while but Izuku hasn't engaged in any conversation. He did notice that a few students were starting to become friends with Bakugo which Izuku was surprisingly happy about. 'If he can make friends that would keep him on the path of good then I am happy for him since he refused me all those years ago.' Izuku thought. Iida, Uraraka had come in and went to talk to Izuku before class started. Even Tokoyami joined in and talked about the pit of darkness that being Nezu student sounded like. "Nezu is the king of darkness and you are the prince!" he stated which just made Izuku laugh. 'Oh, how true you are with the plans Nezu has...' Izuku thought as he remembered how one of Nezu's lessons was about manipulating people during meetings to get what you want. Izuku remembered how Nezu showed him a video of one of his meetings with a hero commission official who he had manipulated into giving more money than they had planned to. It was interesting to watch. 

As they were sitting in the homeroom class, Aizawa walked in and told them to shut up and sit down. "A few announcements. You all will be receiving analysis papers of your quirks and training based on videos and the entrance exam so far. Expect to receive them in a few weeks before the sports festival possibly once they are done and approved to go out by Nezu." stated the teacher. Some were wondering who was providing the information for them. Ashido raised her hand and had asked the question. "Sensei who is providing the analysis and is this a new service that UA is doing since this is the first I think anyone has ever heard of this?" she asked. Aizawa looked over to me for a second and I nodded my head without others knowing.

"They have been done for a few years done but not on a larger scale. The person now has more time to dedicate to this type of work. The work is coming from a student here in this class. Izuku Yagi has been doing Anysisi work for Nezu for a few years which Nezu approves and gives out to students once they are done. You can trust the information in the work because Nezu approves of it before he sends them out." Aizawa-sensei stated. Everyone was shocked and then looked back at Izuku. "Yea... it's apart of the work I do as a personal student. I was given an office to work in during my private time with Nezu. We do educational lessons, hero casework, analytical work, and other things. Most of what I do is analyze villains in hero cases and provide details of how to take them down out in the field for the heroes that are assigned to the cases. It's what Nezu does for a lot of his hero work and he's been teaching me how to do it since I already had skills in analytical work from studying quirks when I was a child." Izuku stated. The class was impressed by everything they kept learning about Izuku. Bakugo felt a bit of guilt since he always bashed those notebooks of Izuku's but he's proving right now that they are coming in use with the principal of UA!

Aizawa also stated that they would have a heroic class today and that the teacher should be arriving at any moment. Soon people were questions who the teacher would be. Some thought All Might since they know he teaches here now. Soon, All Might came in and announced that he was coming in the door like a normal person. Izuku just sighed and felt done with his father at that moment. 

Soon All Might went through his speech and then flipped a switch to reveal everyone's outfits. "TODAY WE ARE DOING A BATTLE TRIAL!" All Might stated as he told everyone to get suited up and meet him at the training grounds B which was the same place the practical test for the entrance exam was held. Soon they all arrived in their outfits. (Everyone's outfit is canon expect Izuku's which is below.)

All Might welcomes everyone into the room and talks about how a costume helps defines a hero on who they are

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All Might welcomes everyone into the room and talks about how a costume helps defines a hero on who they are. He then goes through the rules and talks about the battle simulation that they will do. He breaks the class in half of the heroes and villains with two people to a team each. The first team to go up is team A vs team D. Team A is Izuku and Jiro while team D is Todoroki and Asui. 

Team A was the villain team while D was the hero team. Jiro and Izuku were in the bomb room as they talked out a plan. It was decided that Jiro would guard the bomb area and Izuku would go find and attempt to delay the incoming team. Izuku knew that the heroes wouldn't really work together since Asui was weak against the cold and he felt Todoroki would only use the ice. As the match started he was right. The entire building went up in ice! Izuku just used body control and OFA to break out of the ice easily while Jiro used vibrations to break herself out. 

Todoroki had covered the entire building in ice and this forced his teammate Asui to stay outside of the building due to her quirk making her weak in very cold temperatures. 'He didn't even consider that he just cut his team power down in half... That's really bad and what if there was evidence needed to be recovered inside the building?' Izuku thought. Soon Izuku found Todokori coming up the stairs. "Not very smart to freeze the entire building when both people can break themselves out of it," Izuku stated and Todoroki just looked shocked that I wasn't frozen. Izuku charged up to 25% and send a blast of force out at him. It sent Todoroki back into the wall where Izuku charged up quickly and dodged the ice that was sent his way. Some he couldn't dodge and he just kicked right through it and flipped over Todoroki when Izuku got close and kicked him right in the back which sends him down the hallway. Jiro was waiting at the bomb room door and had sent a blast of vibrations at Todoroki as he came flying towards her which sent him back onto the ground towards Izuku. Izuku had already waited for that moment and the moment Todoroki attempted to stand back up Izuku swiped his legs from under him and trapped him with the capture tape. All Might called him out and that left only Asui left. He let Jiro go and deal with her since she didn't get to do much. Jiro left and after about 5 minutes Jiro won since Asui was attempting to get into the building which weakened her due to the cold. 

The teams went back to the control room and talked. All Might had asked who the MVP was and it was decided that it was Izuku and Jiro since they both did a lot of work. All Might accepted this and soon the matches went on. Some people won their matches and the others lost their matches. Overall, there were no problems from the battles and everything came to an end without issue. "Remember, always take into account your teammates when using your quirks because something you may do might hinder them in battle without you realizing it. It could turn the entire battle if you aren't careful!" All Might stated with a hint at the first match where Todoroki froze the building which really locked his team out outside. Soon that class was over and they went back to their other classes for the day. Izuku went back to his office and did more work before enjoying lunch with his new friends. They all talked about the lessons so far and how the school was going. Overall, the day came to a great end. 

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