Chapter 14: Education & New Quirk?

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3rd Pov:

It was nearing the end of the first year of middle school. Izuku had become close friends with Iida and a few other people but they weren't planning to go to UA like Iida and Izuku were. Izuku was still keeping the fact that All Might was his father a secret from everyone since he wanted to wait until he at least got his provisional license. This was so that if the fact got out to the general public he would be able to defend himself and use his quirk. 

Gran Torino came around every few weeks and helped spar with Izuku to ensure he was doing okay. Izuku was doing his martial art classes and was correcting the flaws in his understanding since he was all self-taught up to that point. This allowed Izuku to become better at controlling the flow of his body during attacks which is what he wanted. As he was doing the martial arts and sparing, Izuku also increased the amount of physical training he did and focused his goal on having compact muscles instead of bigger muscles like his father. The reason for this is because OFA doesn't work on how big his muscles are but how much strain and energy they can take. It does help to have bigger muscles but Izuku's body is smaller than his father's who can pack on larger muscles, unlike Izuku. As such, he focused his training to increase the number of muscle fibers in his body. 

As such, instead, of working on a higher number of sets and reps which would lead to a bodybuilder type body like All Might's, Izuku focused on a lower number of sets and reps done with heavier weights. This type of training was called the myofibrillar hypertrophy focus. The growth rate isn't fast but it results in a great improvement in muscle strength which is what Izuku needs. As a result of training during the remainder of the year, Izuu's body became more defined and leaner as he went through the year. Though Izuku still hid his body with baggy clothing since it was his habit. As a result of all of this physical training and martial arts, Izuku had reached a new height in his control of OFA. He was now able to push his OFA control to 65% in his full cowl mode. Overall, Gran Torino and All Might were both amazed at the speed Izuku was going since Izuku's OFA is far stronger than All Might's when he received it.

Now, outside of the physical training, Izuku also had the educational learning he was doing. After meeting with Principal Nezu for the criminal case, Nezu had approached Izuku to take over his education. "I want to make you my private student when you get into UA. As such, we need you to be past most of the first-year classes and beyond if we can. I want you to learn everything you can so you can test out of as many classes as you can so we can spend class time together. It's been years since I've had a personal student again." Nezu said with a cheerful tone. All Might just looked scared when Nezu offered this. 'GODDAMIT NEZU IS GOING TO COURROPT MY SON AND HAVE THE 9TH USER UNDER HIS CONTROL BY THE TIME IZUKU GRADUATES!' All Might thought as he was sweating bullets at the thought of Izuku being a student of Nezu. The world was doomed in All Might's mind.

Izuku took Nezu up on his offer for being a private student and spent the remainder of the year studying for high school level classes. Near the end of the year, Izuku had tested out of the English classes since he had already learned the language and only needed to brush up on it. The reason he knew of it was that in some dark place in his mind he thought as a child that he could learn it to please his father who was in 'America' when he knew the truth he wasn't. However, it came in handy later! Izuku also finished the basic level math class for his first year in high school as well and tested out of it. As such, he was able to free up several periods of his first year at UA already and would keep working during his middle school education to test out of the remaining classes so he could be with Nezu only!

However, near the end of his first year in middle school, something happened that no one realized was possible. It would have so many implications in the future as well. However, one night when Izuku was sleeping he found himself in a dream he thought but it was too real to be a dream.

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