Chapter 24: Staff Meeting & Sir Nighteye?

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3rd Pov:

The main staff for the first-years could be found in a meeting room with the detective going over the reports from the incident

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The main staff for the first-years could be found in a meeting room with the detective going over the reports from the incident. Izuku was also in the room since he was apart of the chaos. Gran Tornio had already received a phone call from Nezu the moment Izuku had Iida pass the message on. As such, he was also at the meeting with the staff to who he was introduced. "Our theory of them attacking was correct. Luckily Izuku was on site and was able to fight and defeat the Nomu which was made to Kill All Might." Nezu stated. The other staff looked skeptical of a creature that could kill All Might being dealt with by a student since they didn't know about his strength or that he has a provisional license. "I see some skeptical faces. Let me be clear that we can trust my son's words that if he says it could kill me then it could. Remember my son is stronger than me and we still haven't found all the aspects of his quirk either. My son had to go 100% of his strength enchantment which is about 10% stronger than my quirk currently." stated All Might. Then Nezu informed everyone that Izuku had a provisional license as well which just testified to his level of skill since he had obtained it before UA. 

Soon the meeting carried on and the other staff left. It was now time to talk about AFO. Gran Torino started to speak. "How sure are we that it's him?" he asked a bit worried and pissed. "We will know 100% when the police do DNA testing. It's a bio-engineered weapon based on what the villains said. If any DNA comes back from recent missing person cases or recent missing villains then it confirms that it's AFO since he is the only one we know of that can do multiple quirks into people." Izuku said. The people in the room just didn't talk for a few moments. Izuku then decided to bring up the other matter.

"Detective please come here for a second," Izuku said as he moved to a corner of the room. He then explained his theory and the detective froze. "I want you to question each of us in the room right now. We need to know everyone here is clear. I'm not suspecting or saying any of us are but just to be safe. Ask each of us." Izuku stated and then returned to his seat. Nezu and the others were confused. They had moved far enough that it was just right out of Nezu's hearing as well.

Soon the detective walked over with a bit of a pale face. "Are you sure Izuku?" he asked. Izuku just nodded his head. "We need to be safe with those in the room so we can look into others," Izuku said and then Nezu had an idea since he had that theory in his mind. "Everyone is to answer my question one at a time. Starting with you Izuku. Are you an agent or working for anyone associated with All For One or any villains? Yes or no." The detective asks. All Might and Gran Torino looked pissed at the question and moved to say something but Izuku said no. "Truth, All Might your turn yes or no to my question." The detective asked. "Please answer the question. I will explain after we all answer." Izuku asked. Soon they all went through it and it all came back as truth. "Good... Nezu I'm sure you know my current theory." Izuku said.

"I'm assuming you think we have a mole. Please explain your theory sine I do have the same theory currently." Nezu asked. Izuku then explained how the villains got into the building. "They used the warp quirk user named Kurogiri to get inside but from what I can tell it requires coordinates or eyesight to do the teleporting. Based on the information we got currently. As such, how did they know which room to go into without walking the hallways which would be seen on cameras? They needed the schedule which they confirmed at the U.S.J that they had gotten. Meaning either a mole gave it to them or a mole gave them the location of the room to get it. It would be easier to give the location since they could plan the attack another day instead of the mole getting the document and handing it off which would be seen for them going into the room." Izuku said. Everyone realized how serious this was. They had a mole in UA and they didn't know who it was. "I would like the detective to ask each teacher the question in private which you can force them to answer Nezu. This way we can clear the staff. I, however, think it's a student but want to be safe on the teachers." Izuku asked of nezu who agreed to the request since he wanted to be 100% sure of his staff as well to protect information.

They talked a bit longer before Toshi received a phone call. "It's Sir Nighteye... I know what he likely wants to talk about. He told me a bit ago around 10 months before UA started that he found a successor but I tried to object to him doing that. All he said was he found a third-year student named Miro Togata who he's been training since he was a second-year that would be a fit and wanted me to meet them. I objected to him finding me a successor without me asking him to and ended the call. I forgot to mention I already had one for years now since I was annoyed at what he did..." Toshi stated. (Remember, Izuku has had OFA for about 3 and a half years now or so. This means he had it before Sir Nighteye even found Miro who wasn't even in UA before Izuku got OFA! Miro would have just graduated middle school when Izuku got OFA and hadn't even taken the UA exam yet. This will be a point in the story later on!)

Toshi just answered and turned it on speaker since everyone here knew about OFA and he didn't want to hide anything from his son. "Hello, Mirai," Toshi asked. "I saw the news and just wanted to check in on you since I know you hit your limit based on news from earlier in the day." Sir Nighteye asked which was a good start. "I'm fine. I didn't push myself too much. I was able to arrive with the staff shortly behind me. No student was harmed and heroes on-site only received light injuries that Recovery Girl was able to heal." Toshi stated. Then came the next point which no one wanted him talking about. "Toshinori would you please consider meeting with Miro and consider looking at him as a candidate for OFA? You are running out of time and haven't found anyone." Sir Nighteye stated. "Mirai, I can't.... I meant to say it last time but I got annoyed that you looked for someone without me asking.... Mirai... I found the 9th user already and gave them OFA. I no longer have OFA to give so there is no point in me meeting Mirio..." Toshi stated. It was silence from the phone... "Why didn't you meet Mirio first before you decided to give it? I'm sure Mirio is far better than whoever you found!?" Mirai stated. This just annoyed Toshi to no ends that he just stated that his son wasn't worthy! He doesn't even know that OFA itself truly picks the next wielder! That's why he's always wanted to find the person himself as his master said to since she had a hard time describing how it picked him. She told him it was just a feeling that you would know that you found the next user. 

Toshi was silent... he didn't know what to say... Gran Torino on the other hand knew what to say. He grabbed the phone and started to talk. "Mirai it's Gran... Toshi is a bit shell shocked that you just insulted him and his successor like that so he is rebooting at the moment. I'm sure he's going to yell at you in a few moments though. Let me make something clear though. It doesn't matter that you found someone. It was Toshi's duty to find the 9th user and not yours. You had no right to go find someone to become the 9th. You've overstepped on what was your business." Gran Torino stated and by this time Toshi was done rebooting and looked pissed! 

He took the phone back and just said. "I don't care what you think of my choice. It was my job to find the 9th. I have found them and it's their quirk now. The discussion is over." Toshi said as he hanged up the phone as he was about to throw it against the wall but Izuku grabbed it out of the air when he threw it. "Don't destroy the phone! We got pictures on it that we haven't transferred!" Izuku whined out and pouted. Toshi just laughed at his son and hugged him. "Sorry for what he said. I am glad I found you as my son and as the 9th user." Toshi said as he was still hugging Izuku who hugged back.

Nezu did make a comment though. "You know, he would likely give up if you said you gave OFA up years ago before he even found Mirio?" Nezu stated. We all just froze at that thought... "Welp, too late now and I don't want to meet him anyway! Which I feel like he would want to do. If he asks anyone, please only tell him basic and don't even clue him in that I'm a current student if possible. I don't want to deal with him..." Izuku said. Soon they finished the meeting up and they all went home for the day since they would all be back to the school to do work. Even Izuku was going to return to do work for the case and his analysis papers since he was close to being done. 

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