Chapter 13: Nezu War Path

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- A few weeks after Inko's death -

Nezu Pov:

I was sitting in my office enjoying my tea. Then I received a call on my phone. 'Oh! I wonder what human dares to call me today!' I thought. I picked up the phone and saw the caller ID showed it was All Might. 'Hmm... I wonder why he is calling.' I thought. I knew I needed to talk to him about his plans to work here to find a 9th user in the coming years. He's been resistant to the idea of passing it off so easily without finding the person himself. It really started when Sir Nighteye foresaw his death and they separated from working together. I know Sir Nighteye has been looking to find a person to take OFA for All Might but I doubt that is going to go over well.

I picked up the phone and said my normal thing. "Hello, Am I a Rat, a Dog, a Bear? Who knows but I'm the principal of UA Nezu! How may I help you!" I said. I could hear All Might groan on the other side. Humans don't realize my hearing is so much better than them and that I can hear those things through a phone, do they? Soon All Might started to talk.

"Hello, Sir. I need your help in a case and it's your type. Detective Tsukauchi is already working on it and it's getting close to completion but he needs help on one front." All Might stated and I was curious about what they needed that was my type of case? As such I asked for more information and found out it was about an elementary school and middle school that was involved in many crimes against a quirkless person. I wondered how All Might got involved in this. However, he decided to answer my asked question. "I know you are wondering why I'm involved and I'll be honest. It's because the quirkless student is my son." All Might said. I just froze because WHEN DID HE HAVE A SON THAT WENT UNNOTICED BY ME! 'He's not that good at hiding things from me so there has to be a logical reason for a son coming out of nowhere... wait! OFA! Did he find someone and adopt them?' I thought. "I'm wondering where a son came from but I think I have a guess. Are they the new user?" I asked him and he confirmed it. 

"Yes, my son's name is Izuku Yagi formerly Midoriya but his mother died about 1 year into our training and I had taken guardianship over him since I refused to let him go to the second option which was one of his main torments home! Otherwise, it was the system that I refuse to allow him into. I grew close to him quickly and we see each other as father and son. As such, about a few months before Inko died, I had got her to agree to sign guardianship papers in the event of her death which turned out to be the smart thing to do." All Might stated. I knew that was a smart move on his part especially if the child would have ended up in a hostile environment for him. Though I was wondering how they met though. 

All Might explained how they met and what happened with OFA. All Might explained that it appears that OFA actually has some sentience to it due to the past user's wills. To think that the previous users can interact to that degree is amazing and terrifying. All Might also explained how Inko knew before her death of OFA and how Izuku wanted to control who knew about him being the 9th. Izuku had approved the Detective, Gran Torino, Nezu, and Recovery Girl to know about him but not Sir Nighteye since he isn't involved with All Might anymore nor will Izuku have any direct connection to him unlike the rest of us. It was very smart on the boy's part to limit the information to the old guard that won't be in his life. 

All Might then explained how Izuku's life had been like and I was getting more and more pissed by the second. Izuku's life reminded me of my own. Being forced into a cage and tested on without any way to fight back. If either of them fought back then punishment from their owners. Nezu was also surprised to hear about the boy's intelligence. "I have him going to Soumei Junior High currently and they had him take placement exams. He aced his level with 100% and the third-years with 98% I think the sole question he got wrong was in his view an opinion question about quirk singularity." All Might said and Nezu could agree on Izuku's views since he knew about OFA. The quirk singularity is a tricky concept with ideas against and for it. All Might also talk about some notebooks that he believed were close to my own analytical skills in regard to quirks. 

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