Chapter 10: City & Run-in with a girl!?

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3rd Pov:

It's been a few days and Izuku decided to explore Tokyo, and the surrounding areas to ensure he knew how to get around the place in the event he ever needed to. It was kind of nice being in this city since he could see the Tokyo Tower from his home and there were several parks in the city. One being around the Tokyo tower to start with and some around the imperial palace where the Imperial Family resides. The biggest park/garden area that Izuku could run at was the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden which was just right outside of Minato city limits and into the next city that was apart of Tokyo.

As such, Izuku got into his running clothes and started to run around the town and get some workout in as well. Toshi had given Izuku some money for a taxi, food, or other things. He also gave Izuku a new Debit card. "This card is connected to a bank account that I've placed money into. I'll refill the account every week with money but don't spend everything. I've placed a lot of money in it but that doesn't mean spend it all either. I trust you to use it correctly. Don't feel like you don't have to use it because you don't want to use my money. I have a lot of money even after donating 70% to charities. Being #1 for so long has earned me a lot of money." Toshi stated.

Izuku had run from his home and into the city and had started to explore it. Tokyo was made up of a lot of cities next to it. As such, it was easy to go from one area to the next by train or running. As Izuku was going through the city he found many new things and places he wanted to go back to and visit later on when he had more time. He did stop at several smaller shops and purchased drinks or snacks to eat as he was exploring the city. He respected his dad's wish for him to spend money but do it reasonably. Soon Izuku decided to run through the national garden on one of the trails since it appeared to be a good spot for stamina training since it was one of the largest gardens/parks in the area. The garden was in full bloom with all of the different plants. As such, it was a nice place to be currently.

As Izuku was running, he noticed something weird to him

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As Izuku was running, he noticed something weird to him. There was a man who just kept following a girl. This girl appeared to be nervous and alarmed about the man. She even ran around an area several times and the man kept following her. She just had a face that was filled with stress as she kept looking back at the man who just kept following her. Izuku decided to call the local police and notify them of his suspicions. He also started to run as well and attempted to get closer to the girl to check in on her. Soon the police operator came in over the earpiece he had for his phone. "This is the emergency hotline how can I help you?" stated the operator. "Hello, my name is Izuku Yagi and I noticed a girl in the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden who looked like she is being followed by a male subject. The facial expressions the girl has displayed has concerned me because she keeps looking at the male over her shoulder and has run in a circle several times like she is trying to get him to stop following her. I'm currently running behind them and we are heading towards the west exit. Could you have a local officer come to the west exit please?" Izuku stated over the phone. Soon the operator stated that a police offer is already at the west exit and was waiting. Izuku gave a description of the girl and the guy. Soon they got close to the exit and the male spotted the cop and then bolted but the police offer had already chased him down and jumped onto him.

The male was yelling he did nothing wrong as I came up to the girl. "Hello miss. Are you alright? You kept looking over your shoulder at that guy and had weird facial expressions so I called the police to be safe." Asked Izuku and the girl just hugged him. She then started talking about how that guy kept following her and she did need help. Soon the officer came over and started to talk to us. I explained my portion of the events and the girl explained hers. The police officer then stated that the man would be arrested for stalking and public disturbance. The police took our information and our statements and let us go.

The girl turned to Izuku and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Arisa Tenshquin. I'm planning to go to UA in a few years. What about you?" She asked. Izuku was amazed that he met someone that wanted to go to UA in a few years as well and was the same age as him. He introduced himself as well and talked about his quirk for a bit and the fact that he wanted to go to UA as well. Izuku also explained that he was a late bloomer and his quirk only recently came in within this year. She was surprised and happy for him. She didn't care that he was quirkless because she had a grandmother who was quirkless as well who she still loved regardless. She also explained a bit about her quirk as well. They traded numbers and suggested they attempt to meet up sometime soon again since she wanted to thank him for his help.

 They traded numbers and suggested they attempt to meet up sometime soon again since she wanted to thank him for his help

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Imagine her with wings the same color as her hair. Her quirk heals people but also drains them of energy like Recovery Girl's quirk. She can take energy from her opponents and use that energy to heal others or herself. She can use her blade weapon to cut into people and pull energy from them via the weapon or just by pulling energy from anyone she can visually see. If she can't see the person she can't steal their energy or send them energy to heal them. She can also take energy from any organic matter. 

3rd Pov:

Izuku was a bit tired after his eventful day with the girl. As such, he decided to just return home and relax a bit in the living room. Unknown to him, Toshi had alerts set for Izuku's name in the police database and his heroes agency database. As such, the moment his name went through via the operator and for the police report. Toshi found out about it. Toshi had finished work a bit earlier than planned and went home to get the story on what happened at the park since it had only been really a few days since Izuku has arrived in the city.

As such, when Izuku walked into the house he saw Toshi waiting for him. "So only a few days in and your name ends up on a police report. What happened?" Toshi asked in a deadpan voice. Izuku just rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Not my fault, and also didn't use a quirk. I saw a girl being stalked and called the police. I followed them and the police arrived and detained the guy and got our statements. Turns out the girl was being stalked like I thought and thanked me. Our information and statements were taken and we were free to go since we didn't break any laws. Exchange numbers with the girl since she plans to try for UA also and we talked about our quirks and how we want to be heroes. She also wanted to thank me for helping her so we will meet up sooner or later." Izuku said in one breath which amazed Toshi but then Toshi started to tease him. "Ohh.. already saving the girl in danger MR. HERO!" Toshi said while teasing Izuku who just blushed and denied that it wasn't like that.

Soon they sat down and started to eat. Izuku has noticed that Toshi has put on a bit of weight since Izuku has entered his life. 'Seems he's eating more since I force him to sit down and eat meals with me. That's good.' Thought Izuku.

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