Part 1

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Peter's POV:

I walked into the apartment and called out ''Hey, aunt May! I'm home!'' I started to get worried, as I didn't get an answer. I walked into the living room and backed out, to the wall, shocked. Tears escaped my eyes as I scanned my aunt's lifeles body.

"Aunt May? Are you alright? Please say something. Please!'' I let more tears flood down my cheeks as I tried to get my aunt to wake up. But deep down I knew, that she was gone.

I wake up, panting loudly as I feel cold sweat run down my forehead. That has been the third nightmare this week. My parents must have heard it, because soon enough, I see them run into my room.

''Are you alright, sweetie? What's wrong? Another Nightmare?'' My mom asks me, while my dad sits next to me, hugging me.

I nod and feel a few tears run down my cheeks. I feel my mom, joining the hug, as I start sobbing, into her shoulder.

"I miss her.'' I manage to choke out, as my sobs turn into crying.

''We know. We're here for you. If you need to talk, you can always come to us.'' my dad says, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

I hug them tighter. Soon enough, I feel myself, slowly drift back to sleep.


I wake up and stretch. I glance at the time. 6:11. I know, my parents are sleeping, so I decide to dress up and do a quick workout, before breakfast.

I go to the training floor, what The Avengers used, before my dad kicked them out. After they left my dad in that bunker, I hated them. But recently I have used my super hearing, to find out that they're making up.

I shake off my thoughts and put on some music, starting my daily morning workout. In my opinion, my body looks pretty okay. Of course, getting bit by a radioactive spider helps, but the other half of my muscles I have built myself. After my aunt's death I needed something to take my mind off of her. Working out did the job, then I started to workout for fun as well, now I'm just doing it on daily basis.


I finish my workout and jump down from the ceiling. I was using my powers, for doing some upside down sit ups. I take my stuff, turn off the music and head off, to take a shower.

After I finish washing myself, I go to my room and dress up. When I leave the room, the familiar smell of eggs and bacon hit my nose. I walk in the kitchen and smile, finding both of my parents, sitting there, talking.

Tony and Pepper Starks, adopted me, 10 months ago, a few days after my aunt died. I was happy, because I've had seen him as a father figure, for a while. Of course, they aren'my biological parents, but I loved them, with my whole heart. I felt like their biological son, because of how good they treated me.

''Morning, kiddo.'' my dad says, walking up to me and hugging me, interrupting my train of thoughts

''Morning.'' I call out, hugging him back. "Morning, mom.'' I say as I hug my mom, as well.

''How did you sleep, after your nightmare?'' my dad asks, concerned

"Good. No more nightmares.'' I reply, sitting down at the table, as my mom passes me a plate with bacon and eggs. I thank her and start eating.

''That's good.'' My dad says, ruffling my hair. He always does that, and I like it.

''Excuse me, I have to go for a meeting. I'll see you two later.'' he says, kissing both, mine and my mom's foreheads and heading into the elevator.

Later, in the day

I'm in my room, reading, when I decide to go outside and swing around, for a bit.

I walk up, to my mother's office, as I have the highest clearance security card. I walk in and sit on the chair.

''Hi, sweetie? Do you need anything?'' she asks

"I just wanted to tell you that i'm going outside, to swing around for a bit.'' I tell her

''Okay, but please be careful.'' she says, kissing my forehead and returning her attention to work.

I go, get my suit and swing off, from the balcony.


I swing back, on the balcony, after swinging around, for a few hours. I stopped a few robberies and caught a few muggers. Nothing much.

When I have taken a shower, I walk into the living room and see my parents look at me, with straight faces.

''Hey, dad.'' I notice their face expressions ''What's wrong?''

''We have to tell you something.'' my dad says, patting a chair and I sit down.

''Well, what is it?'' I ask

They glance at each other, and the next words I hear, surprise me.

''The Avengers are moving back in.'' My dad says.

I look at him, surprised ''So you all have been getting along, lately?''

''Yes. The meeting I just had was about them.'' he says.

I look at my parents ''Okay. But can you please tell them to not come to my floor, unless they need something?''

They nod again. ''Okay. Thank you, for understanding, kid.'' my dad says, hugging me as I hug him back.

''When are they coming?'' I ask

''On Saturday.'' my dad, replies.

It's Thursday, so I have some time to get ready. It's the summer break, so I don't have school.

"And we're planning on eating dinner, together when they arrive.'' my mom says

I nod. I'm excited. I'm finally going to live, with The Avengers.


Hey! I hope you like it, so far!

This is my first Marvel story, so please tell me, if I missed something!

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