Chapter 11- The Weekend

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Callie's pov
Today I get to hangout with Parker. I'm really excited to see him again. I get in the shower and then get ready. I put on a black and grey long sleeve flannel with a pair of jeans with white vans with a grey beanie. I grab my phone and walk downstairs. Lauren comes and hugs me. I hug her back. The doorbell then rings. I run and get it. It was Parker

Hey he says

Hey I sign

Mom, this is Parker, Parker this is my mom I sign

Hey Parker, I'm Lauren Callie's guardian says Lauren

Ready to go? He signs

You know sign? I sign

I'm still learning, but I figured if me and you are going to be best friends I need to know what your saying so I can communicate with you better. He says

You guys go have fun! I say

I walk out with Parker and we walk around the beach and to the boardwalk. We get ice cream and sit at a table and eat. I teach Parker some sign and he's learning really fast.

We then decided to head back to my house. We walk in and everyone meets him. We all sit and talk for a while. Then Parker has to leave. I walk him to the door and hug him. He leaves and Jordan runs up to me.

I pick her up and hug me.

Can we watch a movie? She asks

I nod and carry her to the movie room. I turn on tangled and we watch it together. The other girls soon join us. We relax and I end up falling asleep.

Lauren's pov

I look to see both Callie and Jordan sleeping. I grab Jordan and carry her to her room. I change her into her pajamas and put her in bed. I go back downstairs and the rest of the girls are getting ready for bed. I pick Callie up and take her to her room. She wakes up on the way. I set her on her bed and she goes to her closet. I walk out and get my pajamas on. I walk back in and check on her. She was asleep in her bed. I go and kiss her head and then I walk out of the room.

The girls pile into my room

What's up? I ask

Don't you think Callie needs to go to school? Asks Ally

I wasn't even thinking about Callie going to school. I'm worried that she will get bullied because she can't talk.

What's on your mind Lolo? Asks Camila

What if she gets bullied because she can't talk? I ask

Then we will pull her out of it and do online schooling. Says Dinah

Ok when goes she start? Asks Normani

Monday I say

Ok tomorrow is Saturday, we will tell her tomorrow and then we will take her shopping for school stuff and she will be ready for school on Monday. Says Ally

Everyone leaves and goes to their room. I lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

*Next morning*
Still Lauren's pov

I wake up and go into Callie's room. She was awake.

Hey babe! I say cheerfully

She waves

Come on, we have to talk with the other girls! I say grabbing her by the hand and leading her down the stairs. We walk into the kitchen and Camila and Ally are blasting and singing Lego house while making breakfast.

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