Chapter 2- Boyfriend problems

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Jordan's pov

I wake up to arms wrapped around me. I look over to see Ally still sound asleep.

I get out of her grip and go downstairs. I go to the bathroom and then I walk back to my room.

Ally was awake and looking at her phone.

Good morning I say

Good morning sweetheart how are you feeling? She asks

My tummy hurts I say

She gets off the bed and picks me up.

Ow I say

I'm sorry Jordz she says setting me down.

I grab ally's hand and we go downstairs.

Normani and Dinah are making breakfast.

Hey Jordan! They say in unison

I smile and wave at them.

Where's Lauren? I ask

She's in the room right next to you. Why don't you go see if she's awake says Ally

I let go of her hand and walk back upstairs and to Lauren's room. I open it and Lauren was laying down looking at her phone.

Lauren I say

Jordan? What's wrong? She asks sitting up.

I get on her bed and I hug her. She pulls me close to her and we lay down.

I fall back asleep.

Lauren's pov

I look down to see Jordan asleep. I look at my phone and then I start hearing whimpering, Jordan was tossing and turning. Then she started screaming.

Jordan wake up sweetheart. I say shaking her.

Ally and the other girls run into the room.

Jordan's eyes shoot open and she hugs me. I hug her back and hold her.

Shhh it's ok Jordan, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere I say trying to reassure her.

She stops crying and I set her down.

She goes over to ally and Ally picks her up.

Why don't we go shopping for some new toys and stuff for you she say

Jordan nods her head and we all head back downstairs. We all eat breakfast and the we get ready.

After we are all ready we get in the car and we drive to the different stores. I get a phone call. It was from my boyfriend John.

Hey John I say

Hey baby! I just called to say that I'm in LA for the week and I wanted to see you. He says

That's awesome babe I cant wait to see you I say

Ok see you in a while I say

He hangs up and then I go back.

Ally was holding Jordan who was sleeping in her arms.

Who were you on the phone with? Asks Camila

John, he's in LA for the week and he wants to see me. I say

Why don't we drop you off, that way Jordan can get her nap and then you can hangout with John at our place while we go shopping more. Says ally

Sounds good to me I say

We all get in the car and we drive back. I get out and grab Jordan from Ally. I carry her to her room and set her on the bed. I walk out and wait for John.

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