Chapter 7-Meet & Greet Fail

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Callie's pov

I wake up with arms wrapped around me. I look to see Lauren next to me still sleeping. I get out of Lauren's grip and sit on the bed. I look down at my arms to see they were all bandaged up. The more I looked at them the more ashamed I was with myself. The girls must hate me now.

Camila sees me and comes over. She pulls me into a hug and I start to cry.

What's wrong? She asks

I'm such a failure I say sobbing into her chest.

Your not a failure! You just slipped up everyone does at one point. Don't blame yourself. But next time you feel this way let me or one of the other girls know. We are always there to help. She says

There was a knock on the door. Lauren gets up and Opens the door. Demi walks in.

Can I talk to Callie? She asks

I nod and get up.

Come on let's go back to my room. She says

She holds out her hand and I take it and we walk back to her room. We sit down on the bed.

I wanted to talk to you about self harming. I've been in your place before. I know what it's like to feel alone, that feeling that no one cared, to the point where I thought about killing myself. I just want you to know that I will always be here. I'm one call away. You can always text me. She says

Thank you I say

So will you call me or the girls next time you feel down? She asks

Yes I say

Do you want me to help? She asks

How? I ask

First we will get rid of all of your blades. She says

Ok I say

Is there anything else I need to know? She asks

I have a eating disorder, depression and anxiety.

Do the girls know about this? She asks

They know about the anxiety but not the eating disorder and depression . I say

Ok, do you have medicine for your anxiety? She asks

Not anymore, I had them when I first went into the orphanage but Ms. Hunter refused to refill them. I say

Ok well we need to get you back on those. The same goes with the anti depressants. She says

Ok I say

As for the eating disorder, just try to eat and keep it down. If you think your going to make yourself sick get one of the girls. You can even come to me. I'm right down the hall. She says

Thank you I say hugging her

Your voice is so cute! You should really start talking again. I'm sure the girls would love to hear you're voice. She says

Ok I will I say

Ready to go back kiddo? She asks

Yup I say

We walk back to the room and arms immediately wrap around me. I look up to see Lauren. I decided to tell all the girls right now

Do you all have a minute? We need to talk I say

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me in shock. I realized that I have only talked to Camila and Lauren.

They all sit around the room.

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