Chapter 10- The Beach

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*picture above is Parker*

Lauren's pov

Today we are going to the beach. I'm a little nervous for Callie. She has been wearing nothing but hoodies and jeans. I don't blame her, she still has bruises all over. I just feel bad because it's the middle of summer! She must be hot.

I walk into her room and she was just sitting on her bed.

You ok? I ask

She shakes her head

What's wrong? I ask

I'm ashamed she signs

Why are you ashamed? I ask

Im ashamed of my body. She signs

You have nothing to be ashamed about your body. You are beautiful inside and out. All your bruises and scars show that you are a fighter! We are all proud of you. You have become such a strong girl. You have stayed strong through everything when it would have been easier to just give up. I'm so glad that I adopted you. You have been the best thing that has happened to me. I love you baby girl I say pulling her into a hug.

Awwwww says multiple voices behind us.

I turn around and all of the girls including Demi are standing behind us.

Group hug! Yells Camila

All the girls run over and we hug each other. We then let go.

Can I talk to Demi alone? Signs Callie

Yeah I say

We all walk out of the room. I go into Jordan's room and change her into her bathing suit. I then get my bag ready.

Callie's pov

I need some advice. I sign

What's up kiddo? Asks Demi

I think I want to wear a bathing suit. I sign

Go for it! She says

But I'm also afraid of what people are going to say. I sign

Screw what people think! Do what you want. She says

I don't have a swimsuit. I sign

Lauren! She yells

Lauren comes in.

Did you ever get a swimming suit for Callie? She asks

No! Come on Callie let's go real quick. You guys go ahead we will meet you there. She says

Lauren and I head to target and look at swimsuits

Tankini or bikini? She asks

Tankini I sign

Good I wasn't going to let you get a bikini! Way to young she says laughing

I pick a 6 out and go into the dressing room. I tell Lauren that I like them all and I asked what one I should get and she said all of them. I tried to refuse but she bought them anyway. I was walking when I bumped into someone

Sorry I sign

Hey it's ok! It was my fault! Wait are you Callie Jauregui? She asks

Uh yeah I am I sign

Are you deaf? She asks

I put a finger up and pull my phone out.

It's a long story but I can't talk. I have to sign to communicate, but I can hear just fine I typed

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