Chapter 6-Adopting Jordan and Saving Callie

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Lauren's pov

I wake up and get ready. Today is the day Jordan, Camila and I get on a plane to go back to LA. I go in and wake Jordan up. After she wakes up I have her help me wake Camila up.
She walks into the room Camila is sleeping in.

Mila? Time to wake up says Jordan.

Camila wakes up and we all go downstairs. We pile into the car and drive to the airport. We say our goodbyes and then we board the plane. We sit In our spots and we fly home.

*skipping plane ride*
Camila's pov

Our plane just landed. All of the other girls were already there waiting for us. We get out and have our little reunion. After that we grab our bags and we get in the limo. We then go home. Jordan was asleep in Lauren's arms.

We order pizza and we watch a movie. After the movie ends we all head to bed.

Next morning
Lauren's pov

Jordan and I are going to the orphanage that Jordan was at before she got kicked out so that I could legally adopt her. Jordan told me what it was called and I googled it. I put Jordan in the car and we drive to the orphanage. We get out and walk in. A lady walks up to me.

Can I help you? She asks

Yes this is Jordan and you kicked her out a few months ago and I want to know if you still have her papers I ask

She hands me the papers and I sign them.

I start to walk out when I bump into a girl.

I'm sorry I say

She pulls her phone out and types something, she then shows me.
It's ok

What's your name? I ask

Callie she types

Nice to meet you Callie! I'm Lauren I say


I watched as Callie winced when the lady said her name.

Does she hurt you? I ask quietly

She nods and then walks into the room. I didn't want Callie to get hurt so I walk in soon after she did.

Can I adopt Callie? I ask

Are you sure? Asks the lady

Positive I say

She hands me the papers and I sign them.

Callie go pack! Says the women

Callie runs upstairs and comes back minutes later. We then leave.

Does she hurt anyone else there? I ask

She shakes her head no.

How old are you? I ask

14 she types

I pull into the drive way

Ok before we go in, I have to tell you that I'm in a famous girl group named fifth harmony and we all live together. We are also going on tour in a week. I say

Callie nods and gets out. I grab Jordan who was asleep. I then grab Callie's hand. We walk in and I put Jordan on the couch.

Girls! Come down here please! I say

The girls come down one by one and Callie hides behind me.

It's ok I say

She comes out from behind me and stays do my side still holding my hand.
Ok so I went and got the papers for Jordan and I ran into Callie. The lady there treated Callie very badly and I wasn't going to leave her there and suffer. She is 14 and she is mute. I say

Adopted by Fifth Harmony (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now