Chapter 24

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Callie's pov

Today we have a free day, so we are planning on spending the day shopping and doing other things. Our plane leaves back for LA tomorrow afternoon.

The girls and I go down to eat breakfast. The hotel management wasn't very happy with is because the hotel lobby was full of fans. They made sure we were isolated from everyone else.

After we finished eating we decided to go and get ready for shopping. Once we are all ready we head to the van and we drive to the mall. We go to the different stores and we all get some stuff. We head back to the hotel and make sure our bags are packed. We watch a few movies and talk about random stuff.

I go back to my room and lay on my bed. I end up falling asleep.

Camila's pov

Today has been really fun! It was nice to have a break from all the singing and dancing. I love having Callie on tour! She's so much fun and you can tell she really likes it.

I look around the room and notice Callie isn't in the room. Lauren was asleep, Dinah and Normani are watching Beyoncé videos, Ally is reading a book and Jordan coloring.

I slowly get up and walk out the door. I grab my key card so I can get back in. I also grab Callie's key card. I walk next door and open Callie's door to see her on her bed sound asleep. I plug her phone in and take her shoes off. I put a blanket on her before making my way back to my room. Lauren was now awake and everyone was talking.

Hey Camz! Where did you go? Asks Lauren

Checking on Callie I say sitting next to her

Is she ok? Asks Dinah

Yeah she's asleep I say

I'm hungry says Normani

Let go out tonight! Says Normani

We all agree and start to get ready.

Lauren's pov

Once I got Jordan and myself ready I decided to wake Callie. I grab the keys and go into Callie's room. I walk over to her bed. She was still sleeping.

Hey cal time to wake up I say softly trying not to scare her.

She stirs awake and slowly sits up. Rubbing her eyes

Hi mom she says

Hi baby girl how did you sleep? I ask

Good she says

Good, we are going to get ready to go to dinner. Can you be ready in 20?i ask

Yeah I will she says getting up slowly

Ok knock when your ready I say getting up and walking back to my the other room.

Callie's pov

I'm finally ready, so I walk over to the other room and we all head to the restaurant. After we are seated and look at the menu we order our food. We sit and talk until our food comes.

After we eat and pay for our meals we head back to the hotel. I go straight to my room and change into my pajamas. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.

The phone then rings, I slowly grab it and anwser it.

This is Mike from the lobby, can a miss Callie Jauregui come to the front desk? Asks Mike

Yeah I'll be right down I say

I slip on my nikes and make my way downstairs. I walk to the elevator and head to the front desk

Hi I'm Callie Jauregui I say

Ah yes, a Mrs and Mr. Owens are looking for you. They are in room 345 on the fifth floor. He says handing me the room key

You did it! Sorry if it's a bit short but I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think?!

Thanks for 9.5k reads! 🎉


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