Chapter 1- Saving Jordan

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Ally's pov
Today Lauren and I are going shopping. We are currently at forever 21 looking at a purse that Lauren liked. After Lauren bought the purse we left and walked around a bit. I was talking with Lauren when I felt someone bump into me. I look down to see a girl that looked like she was 5 or 6.

I'm sorry she says

It was an accident, it's ok. I'm Ally and this is Lauren. I say

I'm Jordan she says in a cute innocent voice.

How old are you? I ask

5 she responds quietly

Where is your mom or dad? I ask

That's when her smile dropped.

I don't have any she says

Where do you live? I ask

Under that bridge she says pointing to the bridge behind her.

I have to go she says

She runs off and we stand there speechless.

We have to do something, someone might hurt her or something. I say

Let's go get the other girls and we can split up and look for her. Says Lauren

We walk back to the car and we drive back to our mansion. We get out and carry our bags in. We put them in our room and everyone else is there watching a movie.

Guys we need to talk I say

Normani stops the movie

What's up? Asks Camila

We were out shopping and a little girl bumped into me. She said her name was Jordan and she's five. She lives on the streets and I was thinking we could adopt her. I say

Who's going to adopt her? We're not legal age. Says Normani

I will I say

I'm in says Lauren

Me too says Camila

Why not! says Dinah

I'm in says Normani

Let's go and find her says Ally

We all pile into the car and search for Jordan.

Jordan's pov

Those two girls were really nice. I hope I see them again. I'm walking back to the bridge. I get stopped by a guy.

Hey little girl! He says

Umm hi I say shyly

Can you help me find my puppy? He went down there he says pointing down a long alley.

I may be five but I'm not stupid.

No I'm sorry I say Trying to get past him.

Fine I guess I go to plan B he says

He grabs me and walks into the alley. He shoves me against a wall and starts kicking me.

I scream for help. He kicks me harder.

Hey! Stop or I'll call the cops! Yells a girl.

The guy runs away and I lay on the ground. Some girls run over to me.

Hey Jordan says a familiar voice. I look at her and its Ally.

Hi I say

Ally picks me up off the ground and I start to cry. We walk out of the alley and we get in a car. Ally keeps me on her lap. She starts humming and I start to fall asleep.

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