Chapter 9- Back to LA

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Lauren's pov

I wake up the next morning and Callie is still asleep in my arms. I gently kiss her forehead and she slowly opens her eyes. She gives me a small smile and then hugs me. I hug her back and then get out of bed. I grab clothes for Jordan Callie and I. I get Jordan dressed and she goes over to Ally. I then go get dressed. Callie was sitting on the edge of the bed.

You ok? I ask

Callie gives a nod and slowly gets up. She grabs her clothes and goes into the bathroom.

Callie's pov

I walked into the bathroom and started to get ready. I haven't looked at myself in the mirror in a while. I was to afraid. I was afraid of the flashbacks. I quickly change and go back out.

The rest of the girls were packing. We are leaving to New York in a few hours. I'm really nervous for the plane ride. I've never been on a plane before.

Hey Callie! Says Normani

I smile and wave at her. I can tell she's disappointed that I didn't say hi back. The reason I'm not talking is because I don't know what to say. I'm so afraid of them. They say they won't hurt me but I can't trust anyone. I'm trying my hardest to at least trust Lauren. The way she has been acting I can tell that she cares. After all she did adopt me, she is my mom. I know I should open up to her but whenever I open my mouth no words come out. It's like I lost my voice.

We all pile into the car and head to the airport. Lauren grabs my hand and we walk together. We check in and wait for our plane to board. Lauren and Demi pull me from everyone else. We sit down.

Is something wrong? You haven't said a word to any of us. Says Lauren

I pull a paper and pen out and write

I can't talk I wrote and showed them

What do you mean? Asks Demi

Every time I try to talk no words come out. It's like my voice stopped working. I'm sorry I write

Babe you don't have to be sorry. You can't help it. I say

They both get up and hug me. I hug them back.

I walk back over to the other girls and sit down. I look at my phone.

Lauren's pov

Demi and I talked for a few minutes. I decided to call my personal doctor.

L-Lauren D-Doctor Wilson

D- hello Lauren! Is everything ok?

L- yeah I just have a question. So I adopted a girl named Callie and she recently went through some physical trauma. She has bruises all over and she was also raped. She says she can't speak.

D- teens that go through that kind of Trauma tend to be in shock for a while. Is there any bruising around the neck?

L- yeah there is quite a bit of bruising.

D- she most likely has damage to her throat. Where are you right now?

L- were at the airport heading to New York.

D- I'm actually in New York on vacation. Call me when you land and I will take a look and see what I can do.

L- ok thank you doctor, see you in New York

D- goodbye Lauren.

L- bye

I quickly tell Demi and then we walk back over to the others. A guy walks up to Callie and I start to panic. Callie looks up and her eyes lit up. She jumps up and hugs him. We walk over and I realize that it's the guy that came to our bus looking for Callie the night she was kidnapped. I think it was her brother.

They talk and then hug and he leaves. Our plane gets called and we board the plane.

Skipping plane ride

We just got off the plane. We get our bags and we head to the limo. I decided to tell the girls while we were here.

I lean over to Callie.

Can I tell the others about your voice issue? I whisper

She gives me a nod.

Ok, girls I have to tell you something. I say

Everyone stops what they are doing to listens.

As you all have noticed Callie hasn't said a word to anyone. Demi and I talked to her and she said she couldn't talk. I called my personal doctor and he said that she probably has damage to her throat which caused damage to her voice. He's in New York and he's going to see if he can do anything. I say

That's awesome! Says Normani

Yay! Says Camila

Good! Says Dinah

I hope they can do something says Ally

I look at Callie and she had a small smile on her face.

We get to the hotel and we get up to our rooms. I call doctor Wilson and he comes.

He checks Callie out.

She defiantly have damage to her throat. Her voice box is crushed. We can try to have surgery done but the surgery doesn't have a very high success rate. I'm sorry he says

Thank you doctor Wilson I say

Is there anything we can do? I ask

You all can learn sign language. That way she won't have to write everything down all the time.

I though sign was for deaf people says Camila

It is, but most deaf people can't talk. You can talk to her and she can hear you but she will sign to respond he says

That's smart! Says Camila

Ok i will set you up with some classes.

Skipping until end of your (3 months)

Callie's pov

We are finally going home after tour. We have a 3 month break before we go back on tour again. It's nice to be back In LA.

All of us have learned sign language. Lauren and Demi have really been practicing. More then the others have been. It's fun to watch them fight while signing. I can have a full on conversation with them and they can respond. We still haven't told the fans about me not having a voice. The girls said something about doing a twitcam tonight to tell them.

Callie! Says Lauren

I walk out of my room and go downstairs.

Let's go! We're having a mommy daughter day! She says

Ok let me go get ready I sign before making my way back upstairs to get ready. Once I'm ready I go downstairs.

We walk out the door and get in the car.

What are we going to do? I sign

Go to the mall! She says

We get to the mall and we get out. We go into forever 21, true religion,
Macy's, JCPenny, and Claire's. I was walking out of Claire's when I bumped into someone.

I'm sorry I signed

Watch where your going deaf girl! He yells shoving me hard. I get up and flip him off. He grabs me and pins me to the wall putting his hand around my neck. I couldn't breathe. Then he hits the ground and I fall, trying to catch my breath. I start to panic. Lauren gets me to calm down and we leave.

We walk to the car and we drove home.

What happened? She asks

I was walking out of Claire's and I accidentally bumped into someone. I signed sorry to them and he got angry, then you came I sign

Ok she says

We get home and put our stuff away. We order pizza and then we all watch a movie.
I hope you all like this chapter! This is probably one of my favorite stories to write! Thanks for reading!


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