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Sorry this isn't an update but I needed to get this off my chest..
My dad died yesterday.. We weren't in the best terms and If you have talked to me at all or anything you would know why were weren't on good terms. For those of you who don't know my dad was very abusive.

That's all i could remember from the childhood was my dad always drinking and getting angry. My mom left my with little brother when I was eight. I stayed with my dad to protect my mom and brother from my dad going after them.

Yes he's the reason I've done A LOT of stupid things and Some people ask why I'm not happy that he's dead.. It's because I'm not. He may have hurt me but he's still my dad. Just because he's made mistakes doesn't mean I didn't love him. I could tell that he loved me even though he had a strange way of showing it..

I don't know why I'm writing this to all of you.. But I feel better now that I've got it off my chest. I will start updating my stories to be on the look out for updates! Thanks for reading.


R.I.P Dad 1956-2015

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