Chapter 28

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***changing Callie's age from 14 to 16***

Callie's pov

I'm finally in Montana, that train ride was way to long. I get out of the train station and start to walk to a hotel. I walk through the doors and I'm greeted by a boy who looked my age and he had a uniform on.

Can I take your bag? He asks

Sure, thanks I respond handing him my bag.

Do you have a room? He ask

I need a room. I say

Ok how many days are you staying for? He asks

Probably just one day. I say

Your not from around her are you? He asks

How can you tell? I ask

Your sweatshirt says Los Angeles. He says

Oh yeah your right I say

Ok, Your total comes to $101.99. Are you paying with cash or card? He asks

Cash I say handing him the money

He takes out his card and swipes it. I look at him confused

This hotel only takes card. I thought we took cash too. He says

It's fine I say

He grabs the room key and walks out from behind the counter.

Follow me he says

I follow him to the elevator and the door shuts.

Your on the fifth floor in room 505. He says

Thank you I say

I'm Matt by the way he says

I'm Callie I say

Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. He says

We get out of the elevator and walk to my room, he opens the door and shows me the inside. He also sets my bag down.

I'll be downstairs if you need me, here's my number if you need it. He says handing me a paper

I take it and side it in my pocket.

Thanks Matt, I'll probably see you later I say

Ok, enjoy your stay he says

Thanks I say

He leaves and I grab my bag and put my clothes in the dresser and plug my phone in. I look to see texts and missed calls from all the girls, Demi, and Ariana. I ignore them and decide to take a nap.

Lauren's pov

It's been over 24 hours of Callie being gone and I'm really worried. The police are looking for leads but they have none. We have checked everywhere she would have gone. Right now I'm in my room in my bed. I haven't left it since last night. It's now 7pm

Someone knocks on the door

Can I come in? Asks camila

Yeah come on in I say

Camila walks through the door and sits on the edge of the bed.

Hey Laur we're going to watch a movie do you want to come down and watch it with us? She asks

No I'm going to stay up here thanks for asking camz I say not looking at her

Callie wouldn't want you in your room, laying in your bed all day. Please come down. She says

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