Chapter 21 -broken hearted

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*picture above is Callie's OOTD*

Callie's pov
this last week has been crazy and fun. we went to the beach, movies, park, and most importantly I got to see Parker! its been a month since I've seen him. I'm planning on surprising him at his house. Lauren is taking me. i quickly get up and shower, after I shower I get ready (Picture above) I dry my hair and put it in a side fishtail braid before making my way down the stairs to meet the rest of the girls.
damn says Dinah
wow says Camila
love the outfit! says Ally
damn girl! says Normani
you're beautiful says mom
thanks guys I say
Lauren grabs her keys and we head to the car. she drives me and the ride was silent. we pull up to his house and his car is there. I slowly get out and walk up to his door.
pick you up at 8? Asks mom
yup I say
I love you she says
I love you too mom I say
I ring the door bell and Mrs. Hall opens the door
Callie is that you? its been so long! she says hugging me. I return the hug and she lets me inside.
I know I've been at a physical therapy rehabilitation center about a hour away from here. I got a week off since the girls had a break on their tour. so I leave and go back tomorrow, but I wanted to surprise parker. I say
oh well he actually isn't here right now she says nervously
oh, his car was out front I say a bit confused.
hey mom Rachel and I are going to the movies. says parker walking down the stairs with a brunette.
oh hey Callie he says
bye parker I say walking to the door
Callie wait! says parker
I keep walking and I call Lauren.
hey Cal what's up? she asks
can you come pick me up please I say
on my way, stay put she says
I hang up and sit under a nearby tree. I pull my knees to my chest and cry. why did he have to cheat?! we were dating for three months! I was gone a month and he already replaced me! was I not good enough for him? what did I do to deserve this? my thoughts are broken when I feel someone pull me into their arms. I look up to see Lauren. I loose it and sob into her chest. we stay like that until I stop crying. we then get back in the car and drive home. once we get there I go straight up the stairs and change into my pajamas. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I feel the bed sink in next to me I look and its Lauren.
do you want to tell me what happened? she asks softly
he cheated on me I say my voice cracking
he what?! she says loudly
with a girl named Rachel I say breaking down again
oh baby girl I'm so sorry she says pulling me into a hug
we stay like that for a while and then we head downstairs. we watch a movie and order pizza. the girls really made me feel better and forget the pain for a while. I end up falling asleep in Camila's arms.
I finally updated! I'm sorry for the long wait.. I'm trying! this story is almost to 6k!!! thank you so much you all are amazing! I will try to update my other stories this weekend! have a great weekend!

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