Chapter 23

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Callies pov

Today the girls have a show in New Jersey. This will be the first time I will be preforming on tour. I'm really excited but I'm also super nervous! I'm going to be in front of a huge crowd! The biggest crowd I've ever preformed for! I'm going over my list. I get to sing three songs and I have no idea what song to sing! After looking at the list I choose
1. Thinking Out Loud
2. hallelujah
3. Jar of hearts

I grab my guitar and practice the songs over and over in find music room of the bus. My left arm is still a bit weak but I think I will be able to preform these songs. It was around lunch time so I decided to take a break. I set my guitar down and put it back in my case.

Hey cal! Greets Camila when I walk out of the music room.

Hey Cam! I respond

Are you hungry you didn't eat breakfast? She asks

I'm ok thanks though I say

You have to eat, please for me? She asks

Ok fine but your cooking I say

Yes! What do you want? She asks

Can you make me an scrambled
eggs? I ask
With bacon and toast? She asks

Sure why not I say

Ok, ask the others if they want food. She says skipping into the kitchen area.

I go to the bunks and ask each girl. I go to my moms bunk last and I slowly open it. Mom was on Twitter. When she notices me she sets it down and looks at me.

Hey babe she says

Hi mom I say

You ready for tonight? She asks

I'm nervous but I think I'm ready I say

It's ok to be nervous! She says
hugging me.

Do you want breakfast? Cam is making eggs, bacon and toast. I say

Yeah sure she says

I make my way back to the kitchen area.

Everyone wants food I say

Ok she responds

Need any help? I ask

Yeah, can you get the eggs and bacon out of the fridge? I'll grab the toast she says

I grab what she needed and put it on the counter. She grabs the eggs, breaks then open and puts them in a bowl.

Want to be in charge of toast? She asks

Yeah sure I say

I take the bread and put two pieces in the toaster.

I watch Camila pour the eggs into the pan and watch her make them. She then gets the bacon ready and starts cooking that. Soon the whole bus smelled like eggs and bacon. The girls slowly flowed in and sat at the table.

I grabbed plates and cups and set the table. The girls help by grabbing the condiments and drinks. We all put the food down and then we sit down. We all grab our food and eat.

After we finish eating and cleaning we decided to watch a movie. We watch the Blind side. After the move Is over they want to watch another movie. I decided to go back to the music room an practice the songs more.

I didn't realize how long I was practicing because later Ally walked in telling us we are here. I grab my guitar case and my bag. We get through the crowd of screaming fans and make our way to the hotel room.

I get my own room this time which is going to be nice. Mom, Jordan and Camila are next to me with Dinah Ally and Normani in the room across from me.

The girls go to their dressing room and they get ready for their meet and greet. I'm in next dressing room getting ready for my meet and greet. I'm really nervous for it.

My thoughts get broken when Demi walks in the room.

Hey kiddo how are you feeling? She asks

Nervous but good I say

Good to hear! Do you want me to stay near the venue? She asks

Only if you can I say

Anything for you sweetie she says hugging me

Demi walks out and I get my hair and make up done. Once I'm done my body guards rich and bob walk me to the limo and we go go go the venue. Everything is already set up and the fans are waiting in line. Soon enough the meet and greet starts and I take pictures and sign some stuff. I didn't realize that I had so many fans. Soon the meet and greet ends and I go to the stadium. I get ready and the girls walk in with Demi

Hey kiddo you ready? Asks mom

Ready as I'll ever be I say

Good she says hugging me

Callie your up in 5 says the stage guy

I get ready and grab my guitar and walk out with the girls. The girls go to sound check and a run through of the songs.

The concert starts Cimorelli is on first, then me, then the girls and finally Demi.

Cimorelli comes off and then I go on.

Hello New Jersey!!! I yell and the crowd screams.

I Play my three songs and walk off with the crowd screaming. The girls go on and kill it! They did really good!
Demi was the last to go on and she did good too! The concert ended and we all headed back to the hotel.

I go back to my room and immediately fall asleep.

Today was amazing


I'm sorry for the lack of updating!! I've been working on some other stuff! Thank you for everyone who was patient! I will try updating more!

Ps THANKS FOR ALMOST 9k reads and over 300 votes!

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