Chapter 25

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Callie's pov

I slowly make my way back to my room. I realize I didn't grab my room key. So I walk to mom and Cams room and knock. No one answered the door. I start making my way back to the lobby when I'm grabbed and shoved into a room. I look up to see the two people I wished to never see again.. My Parents

Did you really think we wouldn't find you? Asks a rough husky voice

Aren't you supposed to be in jail or something? I ask

Next thing I know his hand collided with my cheek.

Shut up you little piece of shit he says

What are you doing here? I ask

We want you back says a women's voice.

Well to bad I was adopted. I say getting up only to be shoved back down and kicked in the stomach.

Get up again and I will beat the shit out of you. He says

I almost gag at the smell of ancho coming off his breath.

I'm not your fucking little punch bag anymore I spat in his face getting off the ground once again.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground, receiving punches slaps and kicks all over my body. I could feel myself starting to pass out. The last thing I remember is a sharp pain and something going into my arm.

*hours later* *still Callie's pov*

I wake up on the ground in front of my hotel room. The memories of last night came rushing back. I look at my arm and it had a bandage on it. I decided to just leave it alone for now. I go down and get my room key from the lobby. I walk back up to my room and unlock the door. I was getting really weird looks as I was walking back to my room. I walk into the bathroom and look myself in the mirror and I now knew why people were looking at me so weird.

My face was all bruised, I had a cut on my eyebrow and my lip. I lifted my shirt up to see more bruises. I hop in the shower letting the hot water hit my bruises. I take the bandage off and I have a bump on my arm. I decided to just leave it for now. I hop out and get dressed. I apply make up to my noticeable bruises and cuts. I then make sure my bag is packed.

I then hear a knock on the door, I slowly make my way over and I unlock it to see Lauren and Jordan.

Hey mom hey Jordz I say

Jordan lifts her arms up signaling she wanted me to pick her up. I slowly bend down trying not to hurt my already possible broken ribs. I lifted her up and groaned.

Hey are you ok? Asks mom

Yeah I'm ok, I pulled a muscle that's all. I lie looking at her

Lauren didn't seem so sure but thankfully she dropped it.

We leave in a hour, want to go get food with Camz Jordan and I? She asks

Sure I say

I set Jordan down and put my shoes on. Jordan grabs my hand and we walk down to the breakfast buffet area. The whole time we were walking I was praying I didn't see my parents. But with my luck they were there. Great just great.

Lauren's pov
Callie's been acting weird all night, she keeps looking at his couple who are eating. She looks scared and in pain.

Hey Cal you ok? I ask placing my had on her shoulder. She flinched really bad.

Hey woah it's ok I say

She looked like she could burst into tears at any second. I set my plate down and pull her into a hug. I can feel her shaking and crying.

Camz! I say

Camila turns to me and walks over.

Take Jordan were going to talk I say

Ok come on Jordy! She says and Jordan takes her hand.

I grab Callie's hand and we walk back to the room. Dinah, Ally and Normani pass us with questioning looks.

Camz and Jordan are already downstairs, we will be down soon I say

They all nod and continue walking. I grab my room key and unlock the door. I lead Callie to the bed where she sits down.

Did you know those people? I ask

Yeah she says playing with her hands

Who are they? I ask softly

My parents she says softly

They didn't you know!? She begins

No they didn't she says

Good I say

We talk for a little longer before i decide to go back down.

Want to go back down? I ask

No I think I'm going to stay here, can you come get me when your done? She asks barley audible.

Do you want to just leave now and grab something on the way to the airport. She nods and I call Ally and tell her the plan. Soon all the girls are back up in their rooms. We all grab our bags and carry them to the lobby. We check out. I turn to see a scared Callie and her father. I walk over and grab Callie's hand and we walk to the limo. As soon as we are in Callie starts crying. I set her on my lap and she cries in my chest.

Callie's pov

When we were checking out my dad came up to me.

You better not tell you new family about what happened or someone will die. I know where you are and I always will. I will find you and you will be mine again he says

Someone grabs my hand and pulls me away. I look to see mom. We walk to the limo and as soon as I get up I burst into tears. Lauren pulls me onto her lap and I cry on her chest while she rubs my back. I end up falling asleep.

Lauren's pov

It kills me seeing Callie like this. She's so sad and scared. I wanted to ask her what happened but she was fast asleep on my chest. I wrap my arms around her. We get to the airport and I carry her into the plane. Surprisingly there were no fans at the airport. Which was different for a change.

We board the plane and I'm sitting next to Callie. She was still asleep.
The plane soon takes off and I drift off to sleep


This story is almost at 10k reads!!! That's so crazy! I thought this book was really bad.. Thank you to everyone who is reading this! Im thinking of doing a double update today.. Should i?

~Taylor ❤️

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