Chapter 20

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Sorry it's short :(

Callies pov

Today is the first day that the girls have off. I wake up on my bed. I missed my bed. I grab my phone and check to see if I have messages. I don't because I have no friends.. I slowly get up and grab my crutches. I make my way downstairs and I see the girls and Jordan making breakfast and goofing off. Normani and camila are dancing. Dinah is on her phone blasting Beyoncé. Ally and mom are cooking.

Hey Babe! Says mom smiling

Hi mom I respond with a smile

What are the plans for today? Asks Normani

I'm taking Jordan out for a mommy and Jordan day. Says mom

We all nod

Ok, we will just have a movie day and order pizza? Asks Dinah

Everyone nods in agreement and we all get ready. Lauren and Jordan soon leave on their mommy/ daughter day.

We put in pitch perfect and I cuddle into Camila.

Lauren's pov

I decided it was a Jordan and me day. I had the whole day planned out. We are going to eat lunch, go to the park and then go to the beach after. I feel really bad for Jordan because we drag her everywhere and we don't get to spend much time playing. We have gotten so busy the last few months with the tour. I'm glad that we finally have a break and we can hang out and have fun.

Mommy says Jordan

Yes baby? I ask

I'm hungry she says

Ok, do you want to go to Panda Express (sounds really good right now. Don't judge 😜) i ask

Yes. She says

I pull into the parking lot. I get out of the car and help Jordan out. We walk in and order our food. We sit down and eat.

Want to go to the park? I ask

Yes! She Says

We get back in the car and drive To the park. We head to the beach and watch the waves. It starts to get dark and Jordan is asleep. I pack everything up and carry Jordan to the car. I put her in her seat before driving back home. I carry Jordan in and put her to bed. The girls are watching tangled so I sit and watch it with them. When it ends we decide to order Chinese food. We then eat when it comes.

Jordan wakes up and she eats with us. After that we watch Shrek and then we go to sleep.

It's short I know.. I'm sorry!

Sorry for lack of updating! I've been busy with trying to get some things straightened out and I now have to have help with updating (long story) so my friend Sky has been helping me. She will probably be doing most of the updating from now on. I'm sorry! Thanks for being patient! If you have questions feel free to comment below or private message me!


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