chapter 29

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***Above picture is Matts house***

* A lot of people have been complaining about how Jordan isn't in the story anymore and I'm sorry, Jordan will be back in this chapter and I will put her in the story more. Sorry guys

Callie's pov

I wake up and pack up my bags. Matt will be here in about a hour. Right as I finish packing my bag my phone goes off. I got a text from Matt

Matt 💙 : Hey beautiful I'm on my way up to the hotel, I can't wait to see you! Be there in 10.

Me : can't wait! See you soon!😊

I wait for Matt downstairs, in the lobby. I sit in a chair and wait for him to come.

Hey Callie! Says Matt

Hey Matt! I respond smiling at him

Ready to go? He asks

Yeah I say standing up and reaching for my bag only to have it taken out of my hands by Matt.

I'll carry it he says smiling at me

Ok thanks I say

We make our way to his truck and we drive to his house.

We arrive to this house and IT WAS HUGE!!! I don't even think it was a house! It was more like a mansion!

Matt parka the car and grabs my bag and we walk up to the door. He unlocks if and we head inside. We go up to a room and he sets my bag down.

This is your room, I'll take you shopping tomorrow so you can decorate it. I say

You don't have to I say looking around the huge room.

It's not a problem he says

Thank you I say

The rest of the day was nice, we just stayed in and watched movies and talked

Jordan's pov

I miss my big sissy, she always took me to the park and took me to get ice cream. She cheered me up when no one else could. Mommy is really sad and doesn't come out of her room much. The other girls are holding up ok but they look sad too. Callie needs to come back soon. We all miss her

Camila's pov

It's been two weeks since Callie's been missing, we are all sad that the police have no leads! NONE it's like she completely disappeared off the face of the earth. We took a break off four these last two weeks, but management says we HAVE to go back tomorrow. So we are all packing our bags. We know it won't be the same without Callie but our fans payed to see us and we can't let them down. I just hope Callie is safe and ok.

Normani's pov

I'm packing to go on tour with the girls, we took the last two weeks off to try and find Callie, but we have no leads and management says we have to go back because of our fans. I love our fans but family always comes first. We just hope that Callie is safe.

Dinah's pov

I miss my pranking buddy, Callie always had the best pranking ideas. Callie has influenced everyone in a positive way. She always knows what to say if you need advice, she's young but she's mature. Everyone has been sad since she's been done especially Lauren and Camilla. ally has been the one taking care of all of us. She's been the strong one out of all of us.

Ally's pov

These last two weeks have been tough, everyone isn't the same since Callie's been gone, but I know that I'm the oldest so I need to be the strong one for everyone.
I hope that Callie comes back soon because everyone is so depressed without her.

Lauren's pov

These last two weeks have been depressing, it's like someone died. We start back on tour again tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to do without Callie not being there. I'm dreading to pack. Camz and Dinah  offered to help me but I decided to do it on my own.

After I finish packing I shower and decide to hop in the shower and then go  downstairs.

Thanks for getting the story to 16.4k reads! That's so crazy I can't believe it!
I know I said an update earlier this week but I've been busy and tired. So i tried making this longer, I hope you guys like it and another chapter will hopefully be up in the next few days! Thanks for understanding!


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