Chapter 13 - getting my voice back

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Callie's pov

Skipping two months*

The past two months has been really good. Parker and I are dating now. We have been going out for a month now. He's really been focusing on learning sign. The girls have been really busy recording their album. They are never around. They leave early in the morning and come back late at night.

They just got home and they are all tired. We all sat around and watched a movie.

Lauren then jumps up and grabs her keys. She then comes over to me and takes my hand. We walk out of the house and into the car. We drive for a while before stopping. We just sit in silence.

Have you thought about getting your voice back? She asks breaking the silence

Yeah I have been thinking about it a lot. I sign

Really? Why didn't you tell us? I could have set it up. She says

I didn't want you to spend your money on me for a stupid reason. I sign

Your my daughter! I want you to be happy and if you being able to talk again makes you happy then I will be happy. Do you miss talking? She asks

Not as much as I miss singing I sign

Why didn't you tell us you sing! She asks

I'm not good, it's just my outlet. I sign

I'm sure you have a beautiful voice! I will call my doctor right now! She says pulling her phone out and dialing the number.

Are you ok with having it tomorrow morning? She asks

I nod

She continues talking and then hangs up.

I can't wait to hear your voice! She says

She starts the car again and drives home. We get out and Lauren tells the other girls. They are all excited for me.

It's getting late, I'm going to bed goodnight! I sign

I make my way upstairs and shower. I change into my pajamas and go to bed.

Lauren's pov

I'm so excited for Callie to get her voice back. After she went to bed I told the girls that she sings and they got excited.

Maybe she can come on tour with us! Says Dinah

We have to convince her to do it first says Camila

And that her voice is ready. Says Ally

She's got us, Demi, Ariana, one direction, Cimorelli, and whoever else is going on tour with us for support. I say

When is her surgery? Asks Normani

Tomorrow at 10 but they want her there at 8 I say

Ok then we should all go to bed days Dinah

We all head upstairs and go to bed.

Next morning

I get up to my alarm going off. I get out of bed and go into Callie's room. I wake her up.

Time to get up babe! They want you there at 8. It's 7 right now I say

She sits up and then gets out of bed.

I walk out and wake the others up.

Camila and Dinah are coming with us while ally and Normani watch Jordan.

Once we are all ready we head to the office. We get out and I grab Callie's hand. We walk in and I sign her in. They take her back and they go over what they are going to do and they also go over how she still might not be able to talk. I sign papers and then they get Callie ready. Once she is ready we hug her and go to the waiting room.

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