Chapter 30

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Callie's pov

I start school today with Matt. I'm afraid to go. I don't want to be bullied and made fun of. But for the first time I will have someone by my side. We are both ready and we get in his car and drive to the school.

Matts pov

I can see the nervousness on Callie's face. I wonder if she's afraid of going to new schools.

Hey you ok? I ask

Yeah just nervous she replies looking out the window.

You have me and your going to make a lot of friends. There is nothing to worry about. I say

Thanks she says finally looking at me

You have your license right? I ask

Yeah I got it before I left but I need to get one in this state. I said

Ok, we will go pick out a car for you later today. I say

I can't let you do that. She starts

It's not my choice it's my parents. That way you can do whatever you want. I say

There's no way to fight this is there? She asks

Nope so think of the car you want. I say

We get to school and go to the office, we both get our schedules.

We have 1 3 lunch and 4th period together. I she says

I hope that's ok I say

That's perfectly fine she says

We walk into the cafeteria and go to the normal table I sit at. Of course all my friends were already there.

Callie this is John, Eric, Cam, Alex, Sara, Amy, Emily and Bailey, Taylor. Guys this is Callie I say

They all take turns and say hi to each other.

I'm going to show Callie her where her classes are really fast.

I can show her, we have the same classes says Taylor

Ok thanks Taylor i say

Your welcome she says

The bell rings and we all head to class. Surprisingly we all have home room together.

Mr. Lawson takes role and then goes over our syllabus and then we talk the rest of the period.

*skipping the rest of the day*

Callie's pov
The final bell just rang and Taylor and I go to my locker. I put my books away and I shut my locker to see Matt walking over to us.

Hey are you going to try out for cheer tomorrow? Asks Taylor

I don't know maybe I say

You should! The other girls and I are trying out. It will be a lot of fun! She says

Ok I'll do it I say

Ok they are after school tomorrow and Wednesday. We find out Wednesday after tryouts if you make it or not. See you tomorrow! I'll text you she says walking away.

Bye! I say

How were your classes? Asks Matt

Good, I like all my teachers and the kids here are nice. I say

Good I'm glad he says

How were your classes? I ask

Good I like mine too. He says

We get to his car and wait in the parking lot traffic to leave and go to the dealership.

We look around until I see a truck that I really like. It was a older mustang. Matt looks in my direction.

You like that car ? He says

Yeah I do a lot I say

The owner of the dealership comes over and hands us the keys. I unlock it and get in. It's really nice. I hand the keys back to the guy.

You want to keep looking or have you made your mind? Asks Matt

I've made up my mind I say

Ok we will take this one. He says walking with the guy to the office. I love this car.

They soon come back and Matt hands me the key. I take them and get in while Matt gets in his car.

We drive back to matts house and watch a movie.

Lauren's pov

Tour finally ended and It has really helped all of us. The police told us that they are wanting to stop the search for Callie. Now I'm accepting that she's actually gone. If she really wanted to be with us she would have come back. With Callie being gone I get to spend more time with Jordan. All of the girls have seemed to move on a little. Hopefully we can fully move on soon

Mommy? Asks Jordan

Yes baby girl? I ask

Can we go to the park? She asks

Yes go ask the other girls if they want to come.

Ok! She says running away

I laugh and put my shoes on


So this was the last chapter! I'm doing a sequel and this chapter sucks I don't know what I'm doing.... Let me know what you think and I need ideas for the title!!

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