Anwsering questions

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So some people were asking what kind of leukemia I have and I have chronic myelogenous leukemia. Its the worst type of leukemia you can get. I talked with my doctor about treatment he said my cancer is in accelerated phase. Which means it's spreading quickly, so I will be on high dosage chemotherapy along with the regular chemotherapy. I'll be on chemo three to four times a week. I will also need something called transfusion therapy which will replace my red blood cells and white blood cells(depends) to help my symptoms.

But I'm in the accelerated phase which means some of the treatment options might not work.
Remission is also short, which means it will most likely come back after a couple years.

I start Chemo Monday.. Very nervous.. 😰😥


Comment or direct message me if you have questions!

Look for a update tomorrow 🎉

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