Chapter 14 - record deal?! And park problems

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I walk into Simons office and he asked me to sit. We talked about my song and some other things.

Callie I want to know if you would liked to be signed, you will go on tour with the girls, Cimorelli, little mix, Demi and Ariana. It is your choice he says

Yes I would love to be signed to you thank you so much I say shaking his hand.

I see a bright future for you young lady. Congratulations he says

Lauren's pov

So the girls and I are giving Callie and congratulations party. Little mix, one direction, Cimorelli, Parker, Demi and Ariana are here.

Once Callie calls me I go to pick her up. I couldn't tell if she got a record deal or not. Her facial expressions were bank.

We get home and we walk in

Surprise! Yells everyone

Thanks guys! Says Callie hugging everyone

We all sit around as she tells us everything. She still hasn't told us if she got the record deal.

Guess who's going on tour with little mix, Cimorelli, fifth harmony, Demi and Ariana? She says

Who? Asks Camila

Callie bursts out laughing

Me Mila! She says

Oh my gosh! We all yell

Everyone does a group hug with Callie and I in the middle.

Let's go celebrate! Says Demi

I thought this is what this was? Says Callie

Heck no! This deserves Leatherby's ice cream! Says Demi

We all pile into cars and drive over there.

How many? He asks the waiter

Oh my gosh fifth harmony, one direction, little mix, Demi Lavoto, Ariana grande and Callie and Jordan Jauregui! Yells a girl causing everyone to look at us.

Table for 20 says Demi

They quickly put the tables together and we sit down. I between Callie and Camila. Demi next to callie then Ariana next to her. On the other side of the table is 1D and little mix. Across us is the others girls.

We all got different ice cream. I shared with Callie and Ally shared with Jordan. We sat and talked for a while before heading home. Everyone soon left only leaving the girls and Demi.

I'm off to bed good night! Love you guys! Says Callie

Love you too! We all say

Callie's pov

I can't believe today happened. I never would have thought that I would have surgery and get signed to a record label! All in one day. I'm really nervous about tour though. I've never sang in front of a crowd bigger then six. I don't want to make a fool of myself.

You won't make a fool of yourself says a voice

I jump a bit and look in the door way to see the one and only Demi Lavoto and mom. They come and hug me and I hug them back.

Demi leaves and I lay down. Lauren comes next to me and lays down besides me.

She pulls me into her arms and I fall asleep.

Next morning

I was trying to get out of bed when arms tightened around me. I forgot Lauren came in to cuddle with me last night.

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