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Ok I'm going to go on a rant... I'm sorry

So I get to my new house and my step mom is a bitch. Literally I'm sorry and I know I shouldn't be saying that but she literally is! We walk through the door and she straight up told me she hated me. She made me block all my family, friends and boyfriend before taking my phone! I still have my iPod though.

We have a four bedroom house and she put me in the basement.. THE FLIPPING BASEMENT! WHAT THE HELL!!!!

She also has a new boyfriend.. Who has severe anger problems. So what I'm trying to say is that IM SCREWED!


So now I have no one to talk to... (In real life)

Ok my rant is over.. If you have come this far... I'm sorry! I don't normally rant but I had too get it off my chest. Thanks for reading!

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