Chapter 18 - Saying Goodbye

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Callie's pov

Tomorrow is the day we leave for tour. We are all out front playing around. Jordan and I are playing with a ball. The rest of the girls are sitting down watching us. I take my back brace and knee brace off for a bit.

Let's go to the park! Says Jordan. I swear it's impossible to say no to her cute face. I ask Mom and the others and they agree to come too. We pack a lunch and We walk there. The girls a few feet behind me while Jordan is a little ahead of me. We continue to walk to the park. Once we get there we play around. After a while of playing we eat lunch. Then back to playing. It was starting to get late so we decided to leave. We were walking home and Jordan was crossing the street. I see a truck coming quickly around the corner and forwards Jordan.

Jordan look out! I yell

I break Into a run and I try to push her out of the way. I feel my body slam up against the truck and I hear various cracking sounds. I hit the ground. I hear muffled screams and then everything goes black.

Lauren's pov

Jordan was ahead of everyone. Callie was close behind her. I was talking with Camila when I hear Callie yell

Jordan watch out! She yells

I look to see a truck coming straight for Jordan. Callie runs and pushes her out of the way just in time. I watch in horror when the truck slams into Callie sending her flying at least 5 feet. You could hear something break from where we were. She hits the ground and doesn't move. Ally runs to Jordan and I run to Callie. When I got there her right knee was dislocated, the other leg was bending a way it shouldn't. Her her collarbone looked Broken, her left arm was broken she had a cut on her side that was bleeding and she was unconscious

Dinah called an ambulance and we ran home and got in the car and left to the hospital. When we got there we asked for Callie. The nurse said she was still in surgery. We wait for news. Word must have gotten around because Demi and Cimorelli came rushing in asking if she was ok. We told them we didn't know and we continued to wait.

After a few hours the doctor walks out.

Callie Jauregui he says

I stand up

she has a lot of broken bones,her back, right leg, all of her ribs, right wrist and her left arm was crushed on impact. She had internal bleeding and she stopped breathing twice she is now stable but She is also in a coma. If she wakes up she won't be able to walk. I will warn you that she is extremely pale. I'm sorry she's in room 454 on 4th floor he says

I run up to her room. I hesitate before opening the door. I fell someone grab my hand. I look to see Camila I give her a weak smile. She returns it before we walk in. I sit down next to Callie's bed and put my hand on her right arm. She had a neck and back brace on. She also has a cast on her left arm and leg.

Hey baby girl, I hope you can hear me. please open those beautiful gray eyes of yours. I know you can do this. Please don't leave me I say softly

I put my head down on the bed and think before I fall asleep.

Skipping two weeks

So we had to put your off. Callie still hasn't made any improvements. I'm starting to get worried. Parker visited her today. He looked so sad when he saw her.

I'm the only one in her room right now. She was still breathing with the help of the machines. She was still a bit pale. My thoughts get interrupted by the doctor walking in.

There is no sign of her waking up anytime soon, so do you want to take her off the life support? She will either breathe on her own or she will stop breathing. He says

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