Chapter 15 - arrested?!

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Callie's pov

I wake up with arms wrapped around me. I look to see Lauren still asleep. I get out of her grip and go into the bathroom. I do my business and then I look in the mirror at my reflection. Yesterday's events play through my mind. I sit on the ground and pull my knees to my chest.

Lauren's pov

I wake up to an empty bed. I see the bathroom door closed and the light on. I hear a thud and I run over. I bang on the door

Callie are you ok? Open the door! I say

The girls run in and try to get the door open. Dinah ends up kicking the door in and we all go in. Callie was leaning against the wall and she had her head down and her knees pulled to her chest. She was rocking back and forth and was shaking and crying. I sit down next to her and pull her onto my lap. She cries into my chest. All the other girls stay and we all try to figure out what happened. Once Callie calms down we will ask her.

Callie finally calms down and she pulls away from me still shaking.

What happened? I ask

Flashback she said

I pull her into a hug again.

Do you get those a lot? Asks Dinah

They haven't been this bad before she says slowly

Do you want to talk about it? I ask

She shakes her head no.

The girls walk out and I help Callie to her feet and walk her to the bed. We then head downstairs and into the kitchen. Ally and Normani start breakfast.

Dinah has Callie in her arms and I have Jordan on my lap. We wait for breakfast to done.

Dinah's pov

I feel so bad for Callie, she's gone through so much and she's only 14 years old. She looks so broken and lost. Shes asleep In my arms. I look over to Lauren who is holding Jordan.

I'm so proud of Lauren, she has stepped up a lot since Jordan and Callie came into the picture. She's only 18 and she's taking care of a five year old and a 14 year old. I mean she has us to lean back on but she hasn't had to ask us for anything. She's a great mom, especially to Callie. She needs someone like Lauren to help her along the way.

Hey Lauren I say softly

Yeah Dinah what's up? she says

I'm worried about Callie. I say

Me too, I think we all are. She says

Whenever I look in her eyes all I see is pain and she looks so broken. She tries to act like it doesn't bother her but you can tell it does. I say

She's a strong girl, she has a lot of people to lean on. But she doesn't want to talk. Says Lauren

We just need to get her trust. I say

She probably doesn't talk because no one knows how she feels. Says Camila walking into the room.

Good point. Do you think we should have her talk to someone? I ask

I don't know says Lauren

Callie starts to wake up. She walks out of the room and upstairs.

The rest of us walk into the kitchen and we eat breakfast. Lauren gets food for Callie and brings it upstairs.

Lauren's pov

I'm bringing food to Callie because she went upstairs before breakfast was ready. She was in the music room playing on the acoustic guitar. She was singing, but I couldn't tell what song. The more I listened to her singing I realized the song! It was mirrors by Justin Timberlake. I ran and got the girls and they came back up. We all listen to her singing. Before they head back downstairs and I knock on the door.

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