Chapter 3-Going Home

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**Skipping to Jordan leaving the hospital**

Lauren's pov

Jordan finally gets to leave the hospital. Her stomach is almost all healed up. She is still tender and she has to be careful. The doctor said she can walk but thats it. She can't run or play because of her stomach. Jordan and I have gotten much closer since the accident.

Ready to go Jordy? I ask

Yes! She says

I pick her up and help her change into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. I pick her up and sign the papers for her to leave. I carry her to the car and put her in the car seat. We drive home and everyone is there. I carry Jordan in and walk in the house and put her on the couch.

Everyone was packing because we are all leaving to to home for two weeks. We haven't decided who was going to take Jordan. I pick Jordan up and carry her to her room. She tells me what she wants to pack and I pack for her. I then carry her to my to and I pack my clothes.

Ally and the other girls walk in my room and shut the door behind them.

We need to figure out who Jordan's going with. Says Ally

We should let Jordan choose says Dinah

Ok Jordan who do you want to go with for the two weeks? Asks Ally

Lauren she says

I can't help but smile that she said my name. I can't wait for her to meet my family! Wait John is there. I get up and grab Ally. I pull her out of the room and we go into hers. I shut the door behind me.

What's wrong Lauren? She asks

What about John? I ask

Didn't you call the cops? She asks

Yes but they never found him here, they think he's back in Florida. I say

Well you can either keep her by you at all times or have her go with someone else. She says

Ok, I'll just keep her by me at all times I say

Ok let us know if anything happened, remember Camz is less then a hour away. She will come if you need to. She says

Ok I say

We walk back in the room and everyone was just sitting there talking. I sit on the floor next to Ally and join the conversation.

Jordan comes over and sits on my lap. I wrap my arms around her protectively.

Let's go get food! Says Camila

We all get up and get ready. We pile into the car and we go to a small pizza place. We put our order in and we eat. We then talk for a while.

Everyone's planes leave tomorrow right? Asks Dinah

Everyone nods

Who's leaves first? I ask

I leave at 11 tomorrow morning says Ally

I leave at 9 says Normani

I leave at 10:30 says Dinah

Jordan Camila and I leave at 8:00 am I say

We should probably head home. Says Camila

Good idea says Ally

We head home and then we all go to bed. Jordan sleeps on my bed.

Next morning.

Jordan's pov

I wake up in Lauren's arms. I'm so excited to go home with Lauren for two weeks. I get out of Lauren's arms and go into the living room. Everyone was awake but Lauren and Dinah.

Hey Jordan says Ally, Camila, and Normani

Hi I say

Is Lauren awake? Asks Ally

No she's still asleep. I say

Why don't you go wake her up. We have to get going or you guys are missing your flights she says

Ok I say

I go back upstairs and go into Lauren's room.

Lolo? I say

Yeah babe, what's wrong? She asks

Nothing, Ally says wake up or were going to miss our flights. I say

She wraps her arms around me and pulls me onto the bed and holds me close.

Five more minutes she says

Ok I say giggling

We lay down for five more minutes and then we get up. We both get dressed and we grab our bags. We all pile Into the taxi van and drive to the airport. We get out and check in. We then say our goodbyes. I go up to Ally and I hug her.

See you in two weeks baby girl! She says

Bye I say

I then go to Dinah. I hug her

Bye munchkin! She says hugging me back.

I go up to Normani next.

Bye squirt! She says

Bye I say

Plane from LA to Florida now boarding. Says the lady

That's us says Camila

Lauren's pov

Camila and I quickly hug everyone and then I grab Jordan's hand and we walk to the plane. We are riding first class. It's me Jordan in the middle and Camila by the window.

I look over at Jordan and she looks nervous.

You ok babe? I ask

She shakes her head no quickly.

Is this your first time on a plane? I ask

She nods and grabs my hand.

As soon as we take off you can sit on my lap. Ok? I say

She just nods

The plane takes off and Jordan curls up into a ball. As soon as the light says we can take off our seatbelts. I unbuckle really fast and then take Jordan's off. I pick her up and set her on my lap. She says in the position.

Are you ok? I ask

She shakes her head no.

Do you want Mila and I to sing? I ask

Yes she says

Camila and I sing who you are. And by the time we are done Jordan is asleep In my lap.

Ally's pov

Dinah, Normani and I watch as Lauren's, Jordan's and Camila's plane took off.

Dinah's plane gets called, we say our goodbyes and then she leaves.

Normani and I talk until she boards her plane. We say our goodbyes and she leaves. I watch her plane leave. I go and get Starbucks and then I sit back down and wait.

My flight finally gets called. I give the lady my ticket and I get on the plane. After everything is ready the plane takes off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~should I continue this story? Please let me know. Sorry it took me a while to update. Thanks for reading!

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