Chapter 4-Unexpected Guest

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Camila's pov

Our plane just landed and Jordan slept the entire time. Lauren is still holding her. We get off the plane and we get escorted into the airport. We walk down and we see our family. I run to my family and Lauren goes to hers. Jordan's wakes up and Lauren puts her down. We all stand and talk for a little bit. We then grab our bags and we head our separate ways. I hug Lauren and she hugs me back. I then pick Jordan up and hug her.

Bye Mila she says

Bye Ladybug! See you in a few weeks! I say

I put her down and hug Lauren one more time.

CAMERN is real! Yells a girl

I look at Lauren and we burst out laughing.

Bye Camz says Lauren

Bye Lolo I say

I pick Sofi up and carry her to the car. We get in and drive home.

Lauren's pov
My family looked suprised when they saw I had Jordan in my arms. I called them and told them about her. I don't know why they are acting weird. Taylor comes up to me and hugs me. I hug her back. Chris does the same.

Chris, Taylor, mom and dad this is Jordan. Jordan this is Chris taylor mom and dad.

Jordan gives a small smile and wave

She's so cute! Says Taylor

Thanks I say

We walk to the car and we drive home. I'm so excited to be home. It will be nice to just relax and be with family before going on tour in two weeks.

We pull up tot the house and dad and Chris grab our bags. We walk in and I show Jordan my old room, we will be sharing.

We go into the family room and decide to watch tangled. My mom pulls me into the kitchen. I have taylor watch Jordan.

So how is it being a mom? She asks

It's good I say

Who has real custody? She asks

Well she isn't really legally adopted. We are doing that before going on tour. I think Ally said she was going to adopt her. We might ask Jordan who she wants to adopt her. I say

Well, I know you don't really like kids but you look like you will be a great mother. She says

Jordan's different, it wasn't hard for me to get along with her. We have bonded a lot the last few weeks I say

That's good she says

There was a knock on the door. I heard it open and then close.

Lauren! Yells Jordan

I run into the family room to see John holding Jordan.

John! I yell

He stops and looks at me. He is pulls something out of his pocket. It was a gun.

Taylor take Jordan into the kitchen with mom and dad I say

She picks up Jordan.

No! Lauren! She yells

Taylor walks into the kitchen and the door shuts.

What do you want? I ask Grabbing my phone and calling Camila.

Camilas pov

I was with my family when my phone rang. I answered it and it was Lauren. There was a guy voice too.

John you need to leave. Says Lauren

On no John is there!

Mom Can I drive to Lauren's? Jordan needs me. I say

Yeah go ahead honey says mom

I get in the car and drive to Lauren's. I text the other girls what's going on and i put my phone down. After 30 minutes I get to Lauren's. They are still talking. Well more like John is screaming at Lauren. I go through the back door and see Lauren's parents, Chris, Taylor and Jordan. Jordan runs into my arms and I hold her.

How did you know to come? Asks Taylor

Lauren called I say


Halfway through the yelling I covered Jordan's ears. I hope she didn't hear all of that.

John, if you can't support me in this then we're done. Jordan is apart of my life now and I love her to death. She isn't going anywhere. We're over now leave goodbye John. Says Lauren

John don't says Lauren

Seconds later there was a loud bang. We hear the front door open and close.

Everyone outside now I say

Everyone listens to me. I go Into the family room to see Lauren on the ground. Her stomach was bleeding. I call an ambulance and wait for them to come. Lauren was barley awake when they got there. Taylor goes with Lauren and I grab Jordan and drive to the hospital. We go into the waiting. Ally calls me and I answer it.

You never called is everything ok? She asks

Hang on let me add everyone else. I say

I add everyone and they all answer

Ok can everyone hear me? I ask

I get a bunch of yes and yups.

John shot Lauren in the stomach, we're waiting for news. Guys she didn't look that well. I say

Where's Jordan! Asks Dinah

I have her she's asleep. I say

Ok well I'm getting the first flight I can and coming down. Says Ally

Me too! Says Dinah

I'm coming too! Says Normani

Ok I will keep you posted on news! See all of you tomorrow! I say

Ok bye! They all say

I hang up and the doctor walks over.

Lauren is stable, but she is in a coma, we don't know when she will wake up. Only time will tell. He says

Can we see her? I ask

I would advise you to - he starts

Please, this is her daughter! She wants to see her mom I say cutting him off.

Follow me. He says

We follow him to Lauren's room. We walk in and Lauren was asleep and hooked up at all these tube and wires. She had a tube that went down her throat helping her breathe. I hope she wakes up soon.

Jordan wakes up and sees Lauren. She starts to cry and I rock her back and forth.

I want mommy! Says Jordan

I know babygirl but mommy is sleeping. We have to wait for her to wake up. I say

The doctor walks in and tells us visiting is over. He said we can come back tomorrow. Jordan and j leave and we go home. I put Jordan to bed and then I go down and talk to taylor Chris and Lauren's parents. I tell them how she is and then we all head to bed. I sleep with Jordan.

New chapter! I hope you all like it! I promise this will be the last chapter that someone gets hurt for while!
Do you want Lauren to wake up?

Do you want more bonding between the girls and Jordan?

Any relationships?

Make sure to let me know if you want something to happen! Thanks for reading! Thanks for the almost 100 reads! You guys rock!

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