Chapter 19 I have a sister?!

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Callie's pov
2 months

Rehab has been going good. I have full feeling in my right leg. I have to walk with a crutch for my left one. The girls are off for a week and they are coming to visit. My doctor is allowing me to go home for the week and I can do exercises there. I'm excited to see them after two months! That's way to long. I'm sad that I can't go on tour like I was supposed to. My doctor told me that if I tried very hard this month that I should be able to walk by myself. My left arm is still healing. It's in a brace instead of a cast. It is still weak though, I don't have full feeling in it anymore and the doctor doesn't know if I will ever have full feeling again.

I'm really nervous because I don't know if I will be able to play the guitar. I hope I will be able to if not I have to take all the songs off my set list.

My thoughts get broken when my nurse Kara walks in.

Hello Callie! The girls are here and are wondering if they could come in she says

Yeah just give me five minutes. I say

She walks out and I go to the bathroom


I roll up my sleeve and grab my blade I cut 3 times and let it flow for a minute. I then stop the bleeding and put a bandage on and roll my sleeve back down.

It's hard cut in secret. With the doctors and nurses constantly coming in and out. I hide the blade in a special place and I get to wear a hoodie while
I make my way to my wheelchair and it down. The girls walk in a minute later and they all had something in their hands. They all hugged me. My mom being the last.

Hey baby girl she says

Hey Lolo I mean mom I say

How's rehabilitation going? Asks Ally

Good, I have feeling in my right leg and my left leg is almost there. I respond

Callie do you want your lunch? Asks Kate my nurse

No I'm not hungry thanks Kara I say

Are you sure you haven't eaten much this last week and you need to be strong for your rehabilitation. She says looking at me with concern

Kara and I ate actually really close. We act like sisters and people say she looks like me. She is really young she is only 21.

I decided to not to fight with her and she put my food down. I grabbed the apple and started to slowly eat it.

You haven't been eating much have you? Asks Camila

There are some days that are better then others. I've been trying but some days I just don't want to eat. I say

How about your cutting issue? Asks Normani

Everyone's eyes fall on me.

Guys I haven't seen you all in two months and you bring up my issues? Please can we just relax and hang out? I ask

You aren't clean are you? Asks Dinah

I shake my head no

When was the last time you cut? Asks mom

Uh earlier today I say softly

We aren't mad at you baby girl, we just want to help you and us being away from you hasn't helped. Says mom

Do the doctors know? Asks Normani

No, they have no idea. I say

They don't?? Says Dinah

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