Chapter 12 - first day of school

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Callie's pov

Today is my first day of high school. I'm really nervous, I get up and shower. I then get ready and grab my bag. I walk into the kitchen and Lauren was downstairs making coffee.

Hey babe! Ready to go? She asks

I nod

I grab an apple and we get in the car. We get out and walk into the office.

New student? Asks the women

Yes says Lauren

Name? She asks

Callie Jauregui says Lauren

Here is her class schedule and a map. She says handing me the papers.

Callie if anything happens don't hesitate to call any of us. I say

Will do I sign

Lauren walks out and I wait for the bell to ring. I go to my locker and put all my books away. Some one slams my locker shut.

Are you new here? Asks a girl

I nod

She shoves me hard into the lockers and I hit the ground.

This is my school, I'm going to make your life miserable for the rest of your time here. Do you understand? She asks

I nod

Don't you talk? She asks

No I can't I sign

The bell rings and then they leave. I walk to my class and I have that class with the girl. I hand the teacher my paper.

Ah you must be Callie. He says

I nod

Listen up everyone, this is Callie and she is new! Callie why don't you tell us something about you says the teacher.

I shake my head and sign that I can't talk.

Never mind, please take any empty seat. He says

I walk to the back of the class and sit in the seat.

*Skipping to lunch*

The bell rings for lunch. I found out the girls name that shoved me earlier. Her name is Olivia. She has been bugging the whole day. It's getting really annoying. She's constantly calling me names and pushing me.

I go to my locker and put my books away.

Oh look it's the loser says Olivia

She shoves me into the lockers and I hit the ground.

Babe, beat her up she says to a boy

He starts beating me up and other people join.

Hey stop! Yells a voice.

The guy shoves all the guys off before picking me up. It was Parker, I bury my head into the chest and He carries me to the office. He sets me down on the bed.

What happened? Asks the nurse

I got beat up I sign

She got beat up says Parker

I'll call your mom she says

Lauren's pov

I was with the girls when I get a phone call.

Hello? I say

Hello this is Macy from Los Angeles East High Schoo is this Lauren Jauregui guardian of Callie Jauregui? She asks

Yes is she ok? I ask

I'm afraid Callie was beat up. Are you able to pick her up? She asks

I'm on my way I say

I hang up and the girls look at me with concern.

Callie got beat up I say getting up

We all pile into the car and drive to the school. We park and get out. We walk into the office.

I'm looking for my daughter Callie Jauregui I say

Callie! Your mom is here says the women

Callie and Parker walk out together.

She comes and hugs me and I hug her back

I'm sorry I say

She nods into my chest

I'm pulling my daughter out of this school. I say

The ladies in the offie tired to get me to change my mind. We simply walked out of the office and to the car. Callie hugs Parker and then he walks back into the school. We drive home.

We get home and Callie goes up to her room. We all follow her.

What happened? I ask

This girl beat me up because I was in her way. She has been calling me names and pushing me around throughout my first three classes. At lunch I was at my locker and she shoves me into the lockers. She then has some guy best me up. Others joined and then Parker saved me. He brought me to the office and then the office called you and you all came she signs

Are you hurt? I ask

Nothing that I can't handle she signs

Why don't you go lay down, i will check on you in a little while I say

She walks up the stairs and we all head into the kitchen.

I feel horrible! Why did I think she was going to be ok at this school! I should have asked her about past experiences at school. I say

Don't beat yourself up, you couldn't have know that she was getting bullied. Says Dinah

I still could have pieced it together. I say

Well it's over now, so why don't we go watch a movie to forget about it! Says Camila

Everyone gets up and Camila grabs my hand. I walk with her and we sit down on the couch, our hands still locked together. Ally puts in beauty and the beast.

After a while I decide to go check on Callie. I let go of Camila's hand and head upstairs. I go into callies room and Callie was in the corner of her room with her knees to her chest.

Babe i say

She looks at me and I can tell she's been crying. I sit down next to her and pull her into my arms. She then looses it and sobs in my arms. After a few minutes she calms down and pulls away.

Whats wrong? I ask

I should have told you she signs

This isn't your first time getting bullied in school is it? I ask

She shakes her head

No matter what school I go to. She says

Well we are having you do online school so you don't have to worry about being bullied. I say

She nods

Why don't we go finish the movie the girls are watching. I say

I'm sorry for acting like such a little kid, I'm 14 and I'm acting like I'm 4 she signs

You don't have to be sorry, you can't help it, you have had a rough life and it forces you to grow up at a very young age. Just know that all the girls are here for you and we will never leave you. I say

She nods

I get up and extend my hand to her, she gladly takes it and we walk down stairs. We walk into the movie room and we finish the movie. I end up falling asleep on Lauren.

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