Chapter 22 - Surprise!!

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Callies POV

Today is the day I go back to the rehabilitation center and the girls go back on tour. I hope I won't be there much longer. I want to be on tour with the girls. It's so fun even if they are always busy. My thoughts get broken as mom comes into my room.
You ready kiddo? She asks
Yeah I say sadly
Don't worry we will see each other in a month. We are all a call, text, FaceTime, Skype and tweet away! She says cheerfully
I know i say
I zip up my last bag and head back downstairs. Lauren has one bag and I have the other. We put them in the car and then we all pile into the car. I didn't have to be back at the center for two hours but the girls wanted to get lunch and it's an hour away. We ended up going to one of our favorite diners. We sat at our normal booth and had fun goofing off. We orderd are and then paid for our meals. We get back in the car and make our way to the rehabilitation center. I really didn't want to to back. The ride there was silent until we got off the freeway. Then you could hear Ally's crying from a mile away. No joke she's always been the emotional one, camila too. Dinah and Normani are tryouts so hard not to cry. Mon on the other hand has always been the strong one. She holds the group together. She won't cry until I hug her before going back into the facility. Just like last time.
We pull into the parking lot and everyone but Jordan mom and I are crying. The car stops and everyone gets out. Mom grabs my bags while I say goodbye to everyone. She sets my bag downs and brings me into her embrace. I hug her tight and let some tears fall. I can feel She is crying too. After a few minutes I pull apart and my eyes meet her glossy green ones.
See you in a month mom I say
Bye baby girl she says kissing my forehead. Kate comes and grabs my bags. We walk into the facility and the doors close behind us. We get back to my room and she sets my bags down. I lay down on my bed and let out a sigh. This is going to be a long month.

Lauren's pov

No matter how hard I try to be strong when it comes to saying goodbyes I can't, I always crack last second. It's so hard watching her leave but I know it's what is best for her. The girls and I get back in the car and we drive back to the house. We finish packing our bags and we carry them to the limo. We all get in and head to the airport. We wait for our plane. We are going to Oregon so the flight inane that bad. We get to go to New York next week so we are all excited. We board our plane and were on our way.

*time skip one week*

Callies pov

The girls left a week ago and they are now on their way to New York. The thing is I'm actually being discharged today. Since I can walk in allowed to leave. I just have to work on my left arm. I won't get full function back but I don't care. Kate is taking me to the airport. This whole thing was her idea. She got the ticket and everything. We are on our way now. I'm so excited to see my family again. When we get to the airport I say bye to Kate and I walk in and do everything I need to. I sit and wait for my plane to be called.

Flight 345 from Miami to New York now boarding says the announcer. I grab my carry on and walk to the desk. I hand the lady my ticket before making my way to the plane. Plane rides have always scared me. I find my seat and I watch as people fill in around me. Then the flight attendant goes over what she has to and I have no one next to me. Best plane ride ever!
*skipping plane ride*

The plane just landed and I have a hour before the girls show tonight. They are in the middle of a meet and greet right now. I plan on surprising them when they get back to the hotel. I'm excited but very nervous. I sit go to the hotel and check in. I put my bags in my hotel room and get ready. Demi set me up with a ticket for tonight but I didn't want to chance them seeing me so I told her to give it to someone else. I sit in my hotel room and watch movies and listen to music. Did I mention I have the room next to them? So I'll be able to hear that they are in there.

*Time skip after concert*

I can hear Dinah's and moms voices outside the door. I hear the door click open and shut behind them. This is it.

Lauren's pov

We just got home from the concert. It was so much fun. We got to bring Jordan on stage during brave true honest and we all sang to her. It was so fun. I wish Callie was here with us. It would make tour so much fun, well it is fun so I guess more fun. We are all In Camz Jordan and I's room talking about tonight like we always do when we hear a knock.
Who is it? I ask
Room service says a voice
Who orderd room service? I ask
No one said anything.
We all get up And walk to the door
I open it to see...... Callie!!
Surprise? She says
I grab her and pull her into a hug. The other girls wrap their arms around us making it a group hug. We all come back inside and Callie tells us what is going on. She's officially back on tour with us! She said Demi and Ariana knew about the surprise. I can't believe we didn't notice or anything! I'm so glad she's here!

Should I continue this story? Thank you so much for reading! This story has been getting a lot of reads and I watch people add this story to their reading lists, commenting ideas or just nice comments, and votes you are all the best! I'm really glad you like this story! If you have any ideas please let me know by commenting below! Thanks for reading! I may or may not update tomorrow! Bye!

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