Chapter 30 : Trust Me

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a/n : thank you all so much for 10k reads!!! i never thought it would happen and so so so sorry for not updating this.also,ending this soon.


The agents received a letter from who knows and Alec tells Funneh about how he worked for the infamous murderer.Basically,that's it :)



I couldn't get it off my head.

I couldn't get what he said out of my head.

He didn't lie about it.But he's been lying to us the whole time.


"Funneh,It's okay if you get mad at me.I deserve it anyway.So,about the whole...murdering thing going on around the school for a couple of years...well.." Alec huffed a sigh before continuing.

"Yandere.Yandere is the murderer."

My eyes widened at his words.He looked at me with a serious yet sad look.I would've said something but didn't and let him explain.Besides,I don't even have anything in mind to say.

"But,the thing is..the thing is that I've been working for her since freshman year (I think) .No,not with killing.I hacked for her.Deleting camera footage or anything she tells me to get rid off."

"...I'm sorry."

"Haha,right.Suurrre,Yandere out of all people is the murderer and you're her little minion.That hacks." I joked,crossing my arms.

He didn't seem to find it funny.He only looked at me with sad,almost disappointed eyes until looking back down at the floor.

was he serious...?

(nope.never was 😃)

" are serious...?" I asked him.He shut his eyes closed and sighed,lowering his head a little more.


*End of Flashback*

I twisted and turned in my bed.Lunar wouldn't get bothered,right? My sisters are all asleep.I wasn't.And it's only 5 am.I usually wake up at 10.

My eyes were still tired so I tried to sleep again.But I just couldn't.Alec's confession was ringing in my head all night.

I didn't know what to feel about it.Was I upset? Mad? Shocked? All of that? Well,what would you feel if one of your trusted friends admit they work for a murderer and that murderer is also your friend..?! Can I even call Yandere a friend? Alec? Maybe not anymore.Alec hasn't told me why he did it.I'll ask him,I guess.

"Why so blue,blue?" Rainbow asked from the left side of Gold's sleeping body.Her pink hair was messy,but not as messy as mine.She faced me,a small smile on her face,her eyes wide awake.She must've been up before me.

"Nothing.Just worried about the whole mission and all." I told her.I didn't want to wake Gold and Lunar up so I had to keep it down a little."Oh.I kinda am too! Hey,since when did you wake up so early?" She whispered.

I shrugged.It seemed more like just moving my shoulder rather than shrugging with the position I'm in at the moment-I was on my side,facing Rainbow,and my back facing Lunar.

"I'm still a bit tired.I'm gonna sleep again." I yawned and turned to my left."Okay."


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