Chapter 6: The Sleepover

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»Time Skip»


I was in the middle of my second-to-the-last class with Gold.I didn't really pay attention to the lesson because it was soo borinngg!Well, at least we have a sleepover later with the gang.


"Class dismissed."the teacher announced as he took a sip of his coffee.I packed my stuff and waited for Gold."Okay,let's go!"she said.

»Time Skip again sorry :)»

Gold and I were walking out the classroom.Thank God school is over!
"So Gold,should we try looking for the gang?Cuz you know...sleepover..?"
I asked."Hehe,they already know that and I told them to wait for us in front of the school when school is over."
She replied.

We walked out the doors and saw Alec,Kyran,and Evan standing near an oak tree."Hey gang!"Gold greeted.
"Hey Gold.Hey Funneh."Kyran greeted back."You sound like a robot,Kyran"
Alec joked.Kyran turned to him and stuck his tongue out.I hear Gold giggle from beside me."Anyways,remember the sleepover!You guys have about..
1 hour to get ready.We'll see you at our dorm.Oh and Alec,you can bring Aly with you if she's interested"Gold stated.They nodded and said goodbyes."Bye!"Me and Gold say in unison.


Me,Rainbow,and Draco were called in the captain's office again.

We opened the door to his medium sized office and walked in."Need anything,captain?"Rainbow asked.
He was standing infront of his desk.This time,he wasn't wearing his suit with pins on it but a gray hooded jacket,dark leather pants,and white tennis shoes.He also had a small luggage beside him.Weird."I will have to get going now.Im leaving the city earlier"He said with a serious face."Why?Did something happen?"I ask and crossed my arms."I just think its best if I go now so I'll be gone for two days.Like what I said yesterday,call me if something happens and get the mission done"He finished.We nodded and head back to our lounge area.

"Where do you think he's going?"
Draco asked us."Out the city.Maybe out of Canada?"Rainbow shrugged.
'Out of Canada'?Why would the captain go out of the country?Well,its his business.And probably for the sake of the agency."Let's tell Funneh and Gold about it" I took out my phone and dialed Funneh's number.
The phone rang and rang before she picked it up.


"Ey Lunar!What's up?"

"Captain.He's leaving today and will be gone until tomorrow"

"Really?Where is he going anyway?"

"He just said he's going out the city but not where exactly"


"I make toast"

"I guess the toaster is back,huh?"

"We found it in his room"

"Hello there!"

"Hi Kim"


"Where?!I want some!"

"It's Gold, dummy"


"Welp,gotta go.Our friends are coming over in an hour"

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