Chapter 23: Goodbye?

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(Picture from: a KREW Vlog)


Ashes.That's what Evelyn's work turned into.I snuck into her house the other day and borrowed her files.

And then I burned them.

Her house had alot of security cameras and I could get caught.Another threat will do the trick.

(what she meant was threat alec again to do something about it-)

Well,the redhead is miles away.I don't think he can get rid of the footage.He's either doing something or hiding from his problems (or me) like a fool.

The door behind me made a long creak sound.Someone must be here.

"Happy birthday,Yan-chan.Happy birthday,Yan-chan! Happy birthday dear Yandere...happy birthday to you!"
I turned around to see my white haired minion,holding a cupcake with a candle.

"What do you want,Celeste?"

"Umm..happy birthday?"

(yeah,pretend it is her birthday.theres a reason for that but I'll say it in a future chapter UnU)

I raised an eyebrow."I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie.It's your eighteenth,right? But,just take this thing." She said,holding the pastry closer to my face."Fine,whatever.Leave." I groaned.I took her offer and placed it on the table.She then left the room while humming a tune.

I let out a sharp sigh.Said I wanted Senpai but I get a cupcake.I glanced at the object sitting on my table.


Doesn't matter.I should get ready.I saw another girl touch my future husband.


The police will take care of Lovendie.Right now,we're on our way back to the agency.

"Soooo,how did it go with Gold?" Evan smirked.I covered my face in the palms of my hands."Like this!—AHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

"Ey,don't scream.Only I can do that." Draco said,taking another bite of his Dorito.

"Now I feel kinda awkward being with you 'cause you're her brother." I told him."Stop it,I'm flattered." He chuckled.

I felt the car slowly stop moving.Almost like when Alec's car ran out of gas that day of the year end party.

"We're here." Alec exclaimed.In a few seconds,the girls arrived.We all got out of our cars and made our way to the entrance,walking side by side.

As we enter the building,the captain came walking towards us,clapping his hands."You did it agents,you did it." He said and gave us a small quick smile."Couldn't have done it without you,captain!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Then the captain looked at me,Alec and Evan quite sadly."Well,your mission is over boys.You three did great.But now,I think you go home, back to your families and enjoy the rest of the summer."

I forgot.We've been here for a short time.For a reason.It makes me sad that we have to leave.I didn't even expect that something like this could make me want to stay...

(Im imagining myself in Kyran's shoes so thats probably what i would think if I was in his situation)

But the good news is,Lunar is gonna give me her manga collection!

I looked at the others.The Krew seemed so gloomy.I couldn't tell if Draco was since he's a little hard to read.Alec and Evan look like they're feeling the same thing as me.

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