Chapter 14: Newbies

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We got off the helicopter.Infront of us was a huge building.Actually,there were a lot of buildings.The city seemed really wide and populated.But the captain had to go allll the way to America just to find us and make us agents.

"It's so...big!"Kyran exclaimed as he looked at the building."I think we should go in now."Alec said.Me and Kyran nodded.

We walked towards the entrance.Each step I take on the white marble staircase made me feel even more nervous.Then we reached a metal door.There was this thing on it.It was like one of those stuff where you have to let it scan something to enter a-


"Don't lose that card you have,Evan.You boys will need it to enter the building."

The card!The keycard!

I searched through my pockets to find the keycard.Luckily,I didn't lose it."I think this card or keycard is what we need to get in."I said.I held it in front of the scanner.I made sure that 'K' symbol is facing it.

(kill me,please--)

We heard some kind of 'ding'.The metal doors automatically slid open.We stepped in.I looked around left and right,up and down while walking.The other two were doing the same.

"Welcome to the agency,boys."a familiar male voice said.Standing in the center of the room was a man with chestnut brown hair and a black uniform with epaulettes on the shoulders."I'm guessing he's the captain." I whispered to Kyran.He agreed with me.

Behind the captain were five people dressed up in black.They must be the other agents.I looked at each one of them.Then I spotted familiar blue eyes."Is that..Funneh?!" Kyran whisper shouted."Yeah,that's Funneh.Gold is there too!"Alec pointed out.Both Funneh and Gold looked at us with big shocked eyes.We were as surprised as them.

Besides that,there were three other people.Two more girls and one boy.
One girl had long light pink hair,a cake on her head.Really odd.She had hazel eyes and a cheerful smile.She wore all black like Funneh and Gold.

The other girl had long wavy dark teal hair.She had silver winged crown neatly placed on her head.Her eyes were a greyish purple.Mesmerizing and mysterious they were.And of course,the black agent attire.

And the boy.He had jet black hair;A little messy but in a good way.Bright green eyes,and all black.

(When i looked back at the intro of minecraft agents,draco's outfit didn't seem all black.cant explain-)

"Um...hi." Kyran blurted out awkwardly."You three follow me.You can socialize with the other agents a little later." the captain ordered and started walking."Guess we should follow him." Alec said.We started moving and followed behind the captain.I felt awkward passing by the other agents.They did seem like nice people.Funneh and Gold are nice people.We know them we know them that well?

We just kept following the captain through hallways."Where are we going?" Kyran asked."To my office."the captain replied.

He opened a door to a room(that I assume is his office) and went in first then we followed.

The office was kinda...small.And a little cold.He sat on an office chair behind his desk.We stood in front of him."Take a seat." He insisted as he pointed at the two extra chairs in front of the desk."You guys can sit.I'm fine with standing." Alec said.Is he trying to make me feel guilty,hm?

Kyran and I sat on the chairs while Alec stood there."Did you lie about going here to your guardians?" the captain asked."Yeah.Well,Alec and I did." Kyran pointed out."Okay.How about you,Evan?"

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