(FINALE)Chapter 31 : Signing Out

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(A/N : going 3rd person cuz i can't write characters feeling emotion)

(also this.I wanna know if you're still there :)


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Funneh's eyes grew wide in fear,but she tried to hide it.She held on to her gun tightly,aiming at her target.



'Alec was right.Yandere IS the murderer.Not that surprised.' She thought in her head.

"Yandere,put the knife down." Funneh said coldly.Of course,Yandere didn't listen and moved the knife closer to Alec's throat,making Funneh grip harder to her gun.

"I SAID PUT IT DOWN!!" She yelled.Yandere snickered."Your friend here betrayed you and your team,and lied to all of you yet you still care about him." She spoke,letting out a laugh."Look,he isn't even doing anything about it!"

Alec only stood there,calmly.He didn't try kicking Yandere's foot or nudging her chest with his elbow to break free from her grasp.He only stared at Funneh with no trace of fear,sadness,or even shock in his face.Only emotionless eyes and a tiny smile.

'He's smiling..? Alec do something,you idiot!' Funneh said in her head.

"Funneh,don't worry.It's fine." Alec told the blunette with a reassuring smile.Funneh bit her lip anxiously.

Closer as the sharp edge of Yandere's knife touched the boy's skin,the more she got anxious and yelled for Yandere to stop.

Alec really was scared deep down inside.He felt the cold tip of a sharp knife's blade poke the side of his neck,trying to hide his fear.

He wanted some kind of revenge on Yandere.Even if it meant going down with her.That's why he decided to tell the others about his secret.

"You have to trust me,Funneh.You have to trust us." He said.Funneh raised an eyebrow."Us?" she muttered to herself.

"That's cute and all,but it'd be better if you say your last words now." Yandere interrupted.

"Or yours."

Behind her stood who?

You guessed right.

Behind her,from a few feet away stood Gold,Evan,and Rainbow who were all pointing their weapons at Yandere.

From around the right corner,Lunar came out with two sharp katanas in her hands,ready to use them.

Then in the left corner were Kyran and Draco,also having their weapons out.

Their target was now surrounded.

Yandere looked half surprised.She had a feeling something would happen.But Funneh didn't.She had the most confused face in history.

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