Chapter 21: Don't Cry

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(don't ask why i put that thing there :>)


"Any suggestions?" The captain asked.Rainbow raised her hand."Yes,Rainbow?"

"Um..I think we should have two people as bait.In disguises.Lovendie might spot them and try to shoot arrows but she doesn't know that we're watching her from somewhere like buildings or behind bushes."

"Not a bad idea.For someone who sucks at parkour,I'm surprised." Lunar snorted.Rainbow looked straight at her."Woooow." She said sarcasticly.

"That could work.But won't anyone get hurt?" I asked."Lovendie won't kill you.She's just being cupid.Get hit by her arrows,you fall in love with whoever or whatever is in front of you." Gold explained."To undo that,someone has to shoot you HARD in the head.At least that's what I did to Gold." Funneh added.

"SHOOT?! With a GUN?!" Kyran exclaimed,rapidly shaking his hands in the air."Without bullets,you goose." Funneh chuckled,playfully nudging him on the shoulder.

"Good suggestion.Thank you,Agent Rainbow." The captain said.Gold looked down and murmured something.She seemed to be pondering.Then her eyes widened like she had an idea."Wait..Funneh,last time we saw her,didn't you say you managed to put a microphone on her?"

"Yeah,I did.But that thing won't work anymore.That was years ago.And she probably found out about it." Funneh replied.Gold sighed."Right." She muttered.

Our attention went back to the captain."For the next few hours or the whole day,we'll be discussing this thing in this very room.I'll get someone to buy burritos or something for lunch.Now back to work,agents."



My mother stood there by the door frame.The same pale blonde hair pushed aside to her right and went down on her shoulder.The same brown eyes that my father adored.She wore a beige trench coat over a white turtleneck sweater,black trousers and  the black heels she recieved from my father's company.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked,walking to my side.I nodded."The nurse told me you'll be discharged in an hour."

"Mhmm.I still need to keep working and find out who did this to me." I replied.She placed her gentle hand on mine and asked "What exactly happened?"

I let out a small sigh."Well,I was getting my things from my dorm at YH.Before I could get out,someone randomly attacked me..."

"They pinned me to a wall and squeezed my throat.I managed to kick them in the stomach so I could escape.The car was already waiting for me.I told Marcus I would drive.My vision was a little blurry from the tears in my eyes.He warned me that I should watch out then...we crashed." I finished.My voice was shaking.Tears started to form.I tried to hold them back but I failed to do so.No.Not in front of my mother!

(I named the driver Marcus)

Don't cry..

Don't you dare,Evelyn..

Don't CRY!

The tears slipped.It felt embarrassing to cry in front of her.I always wanted to show her and everyone that I was tough and strong enough to do anything.I always told myself to fight back,crying is for the weak.But I guess I'm one of them now.

(no offence ‘︿’ )

There was silence filling the air.My mother's face showed nothing but sorrow.

"Want me to take you to the garden?" She asked."I..I guess.It's starting to get boring in here."

My back hurt a little and my legs were still weak so I sat on a wheelchair.We asked a doctor if I could get out of my room and she was fine with it.

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