Chapter 11: Stuck

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(still Kyran's POV)


-Captain Bones

"So,you and your friends agree?That's

"But we need more information.Tell us more."

"Okay.Since you boys are joining the team.You will start on Monday or Tuesday.I'm giving you time to go to your party and say bye to your parents.But here's the thing..."

"The city and the agency are not there in America."


"Then how are we supposed to go there?Wherever it is.I can't afford a plane ride ticket."

"I see.Are you boys okay with riding a helicopter?"

"Helicopter?!What do you mean?Are we riding a helicopter to go there?!"

"You will.Anyways,I'll plan your ride here so don't worry.Tell your parents or guardians you're going on a long camping trip together so they won't get worried too much.Maybe."

"Okay...tell us about the other members of your agency."

"The other agents?I'll only tell a little information about them.I don't want to tell you about them without them knowing."


"Thank you for understanding.I have 5 other agents.Four girls and one boy.We have a few other members but they don't do the fighting.The agents all have their own fake names to hide their true identity from enemies.If they find out their real names,the agents will get tracked down and anything can happen.They are very nice to others so you shouldn't worry about them hurting you.They won't."

"They sound pretty cool.Four girls and boy?That makes us eight people.Four girls and four boys."

"Do we get our own fake names?"

"Maybe.We'll discuss that when you get here."

"I'm not even gonna ask where that is.But it must be far from America."

"Not really,Agent Alec."

" 'Agent Alec',huh.I like it."

"But what do we call you?"

"Oh.Call me 'captain'.Captain Bones."


"Do you want to know anything else?"

"If there's more to know,please tell us"

"Hm.Okay.You will be staying in the provided rooms of the agency.On missions,you'll be in disguises.We have someone to do your disguises so no problem.Most of the time,only two or three of the agents do the missions.The rest stay in the agency and watch over them to see if they're doing their job well.You can rest or eat in the lounge,train in the training room,and we'll get someone to give you a tour when you get there.That's all."

"That was....alot."


"Call me if you need something.Also,don't lose that card you have,Evan.You boys will need it here to enter the building."

"O-of course."

"Can I ask what the thing you gave me does?"

" does...nothing."

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