Chapter 7: Strange,Shady,Weird People

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"We're going with you." he finished.Im surprised he had enough confidence to say that.He turned back to the rest of the gang with their shocked faces."Its...okay if you guys won't come too.Your choice."He says calmly."I'll come with you guys" Evan decided.Then Aly stood up from the floor."Count me in!" Aly says as she puts her hands on her hips.And then there was one...

We all looked at Alec.He sat there on the floor with a pillow on his lap.He then let out a sigh."Fine.Let's just be careful"He said flatly.Okay,first...Kyran had the guts to come with me and Gold.And now,Alec seems like ge really doesn't want to go and looks kinda nervous.Did he and Kyran swap
personalities or something? I thought.
I put on my shoes and so did Gold.

"Okay.Let's go see what's out there"
I twisted the doorknob and opened it slowly.I took a step forward and stopped."Someone bring a flashlight and Gold,you get our jackets.Its cold out here."I ordered.Kyran grabbed a flashlight from a drawer and checked if it still worked.Gold went upstairs to get the jackets.After a minute,she came back with two jackets in her hands.She handed me the olive green jacket and she had a denim jacket.We put them on and stepped out of our dorm.

•Evan• (that's new owo )

We walked out the dorm.Outside was just darkness.I could see a little bit but not much.Kyran turned on the flashlight and pointed it in different spots.We walked around but not far from the dorm.Then we heard something from the bushes near by.
Kyran immediately pointed the flashlight towards the bush."Huh.Probably just a raccoon or something"
Funneh exclaimed.We walked again around the area."The screams weren't that far away."Gold murmured.I slowed down and walked backwards to Kyran's side."Psst.Hey Ky...why do you think Funneh and Gold are so calm about this?"I whispered to him.
"'re right.But that's probably because of the experiences we've been to.We've tried breaking into school before."He explained (silently)
"Wait what?!You guys broke into the school?!"I whisper shouted.

(ok ok ok.It took me a while to find the past tense of break into cuz i wasn't sure so if im wrong there,im sorry grammar gods.I failed u.Im getting dumb-er :/ )

"Yes.Well,Alec picked the lock so we could get in so-"he got cut off by a familiar scream.

"U-uh guys...guys..t-t-there's a dead b-body here..."Gold stuttered.She was standing near some trees with Funneh.We got closer near the area.I stopped on my tracks when I saw a girl's dead body.She was covered in blood and dirt.I didn't recognize who she was but I feel bad for her.The others had the same shocked and disgusted face when they saw the body.Well,Alec didn't seem too surprised but it's probably because you know...they've been in YHS longer than me so I guess he's used to all the murders.

"u-uh we should report this to the principal or maybe the police."
Aly quavered.Funneh ran her fingers in her hair with a shocked and fearful face.She alright?
"Let's j-just go back to o-our dorm and forget about this.We'll deal with it t-tomorrow."She stuttered some words
We quickly walked back to their dorm.It wasn't that far.We hurrried back in and sat in the living room.It was just silence.No one said anything.Just awkward silence."Why don't we just go to sleep.Im sure you're all sleepy"Gold suggested.We stood up and got our own sleeping bags.I set my sleeping bag on the floor.I got in and just stared at the ceiling.The lights turned off as Funneh and Gold went upstairs to their rooms.I just closed my eyes and wished that I'd forget about the blood,the dead body,the panicking...,the screams.


That was close.Now time to bury this body.It's what she gets for talking and flirting with Senpai.My Senpai.What was her name again..?Eh.Doesn't matter.Now,let's call the redhead.He has a task to get done.

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