Chapter 27: Guess Who Found Out

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My head really hurt.All I remember is getting hit with a baseball bat.Well,at least that's what I think hit me.

I was alone in a dark room.A small one.My weak body sat on the floor.The others are no where to be seen or just hiding in the shadows.

Un-like any normal person,I brought a dagger.It's in the holster on my left leg.My sword is too big and people are gonna get scared or even suspicious so I just brought a small dagger.No problem.Besides,I'm sure the others have something too.

Carefully,I tried getting up.I couldn't grab on something for support since my hands are tied behind my back.I fell back to the cold hard floor,and hurt my back.

(that's me when i get up to quickly)

They probably just threw me in the janitor's closet.This is a school,for Pete's sake.And I do not want to die where I've mentally suffered!

I could get my dagger but again,my hands are tied.Whoever tied me up was too dumb to not tape my mouth.I don't really need to yell for help.I mean..I've escaped that crazy turtle lady that Funneh sold me too just last year.I don't need some prince-charming to save me.I'll just try to un-tie the rope..

.  .  .


My body didn't hurt much anymore,but my wrists were a little sore.I grabbed my dagger and got up from the floor.There should be a door somewhere,but..where? I searched the walls for a light switch or a door knob with my hands.If I can't see,I can feel.

"Wait a second..." I muttered.If I remember correctly,I brought a small pocket sized flashlight with me.It should be in the pocket of my jacket.I put a hand in it and took a flashlight out.

The door might be locked,though.Eh,I could try smashing it later.I pointed the flashlight towards the walls and shelves.There could be something in here to help me get out like..a hammer?

After a minute or two,I finally found the door.It could've been easier to find it if it wasn't so tight in here.

I sighed and cracked my knuckles in victory."Now,let's get outta here!" I said to myself.I twisted the knob and pulled.

It's locked.



"Why are you doing this?"

I was in an empty classroom with the devil.Yandere had tied the others up.Except me.I already knew she was the one doing this.Because why wouldn't she? I didn't understand why she had a mask on.I could barely see her face.

(there's a pandemic,alec.what rock have you been living under--)

She snickered."Why didn't you do your job right? Hm?"

"Wha—you're still mad about that? That was weeks ago! Get over it." I scowled."Sure,Evelyn found the evidence but hey,at least you solved it already.Isn't that what you wanted?!"

.  .  .

Yandere let out a sharp sigh."I forgot...we have a guest." She said."Bring him in!"

Coming out from the shadows was some guy,dressed in casual clothes,blindfolded.Elijah brought him in with their hands tied behind their back.He also had a mask like Yandere.The guy looked really familiar though.

Chestnut brown hair...

Casual clothes...


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