Chapter 18: First Mission

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(lez speed things up)

¦1 Week Later...¦


I've been here for about a week now.Now I'm starting to worry about my family.And Yandere probably found out by now.She's gonna kill me.

Now about being an agent.We started working actually.Though we haven't been on our first mission yet.Just working between cubicles.That time when we found out that the Krew are actually siblings shocked me.But I would never think that Funneh and Gold have been lying to us.No,they never spoke anything about their family so I guess they just kept it a secret.

They already explained why they had to hide it.Which happened last week.But if they find out about my secret,I'm not even going to think that they'll forgive me.I work for a murderer.It was my decision that I joined.So blame it on me.

"Hey,you okay?" Kyran asked,peeking his head up from other side of the cubicle wall in front of me.Meaning,his cubicle is in front of mine.

I pushed aside my thoughts."I'm fine.Why would you ask that?" I replied flatly.He looked at me with a 'you-could-have-just-said-yes' face then got back to work.

🔔"Hello? Agent Alec,Kyran,and Evan please come into my office.I have a mission for you."🔔

Wait..a mission?

"Guys,it's your first mission!" Gold squealed from her cubicle a few miles away."Don't worry.It'll probably be an easy one.Remember our first mission,Funneh?"

"Mhmm.That time when we saved Rollie Daniels,shooting Freddy at the head-well,I did that one." Funneh replied.

"C'mon.Get Evan and let's go."

"Captain?" Kyran called out.The captain sat behind his desk looking straight at us."I'm giving you three your first ever mission.After all the training,I'm sure you can handle it." He said.

"Yeah,well we've been training a lot since last week.So I guess we can.What is the mission,anyway?" Evan pondered.The captain looked down on his computer.

"So there's been a few robbers around town.People say they've been robbing their houses each night.Someone said they saw them robbing the bank earlier.I need you three to stop them from getting away with the money."

So it's a robbery,huh?

"They're still robbing the bank.I don't think you'll need a disguise.Just stop them.And I guess you'll take the car.Now,grab some gear." He added.His hand reached down on the other side of the desk.Then what used to be a drinking station transformed into some kind of stand with different weapons and spells displayed on it.

(that made no sense so here's a screenshot from that one episode)

"Woah!" Evan gasped."I'm sure Gold won't mind if one of you used the gold gun.It's her favorite." The captain pointed out.

We grabbed our chosen weapons.I chose the regular pistol gun,Kyran chose the gold gun (he called dibs on it,) and Evan chose the diamond gun.Then we ran out the room.

(not sure if it is diamond or just blue :p)

"Good luck,agents."

»Time Skip»


Since we took the car,Alec drove us.He's the only one with a license.

He drove fast enough to catch up.The bank isn't very far from the agency so it took about 16 minutes to get there.

Infront of the bank was a white van.The rear door was open.Inside,you could see a bunch of money bags.

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